Happy "Just One More Year Shot To Hell as Usual!"


Well-known member
I have labored on Trainz layouts for over half of 2015. In June of last year, I took up work in Surveyor for the first time ever. My master route, modified Mojave Sub, TS12, is close to complete.

What are your 2016 wishes, expectations and/or resolutions?
What do you mean by "Just One More Year Shot To Hell as Usual!"? In my case, suffering from terminal cancer I am happy to have made it through 2015, despite the specialists forecasts I might not make it past Christmas 2012 and extending their prognosis only for an extra year since then.

I am looking forward to make it at least to Christmas 2016 and I will keep on creating for Trainz as long as I can. Can't wish and hope for any better than that.

Glad to hear that Trainz is such an unpleasent laborious chore for you ... Surveyor is a complete total joy, of never ending excitement for me ... maybe that is because I create my own routes from scratch, rather than modify (mess with, and eventually break) OPS (OtherPeoplesStuff)

I'm sure the Mojave Sub didn't need any modification ... And what are you planning on doing with this modification of someone elses route ?

If it wasn't broken ... Don't try to fix it !
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I don't know Jon, you are always so negative about everything.

With all it's faults and petty annoyances, Trainz has kept me happy for 12 years and continues to do so hopefully for another 12 at least.

I agree that 2015 was not a truly wonderful year for many reasons outside of Trainz. For me I had to fight an insurance for continued benefits for atypical Parkinson's disease. Yes, one that doesn't fit the mold of the classic symptoms, yet has many scary ones which are leading in a direction I don't want to discuss here or even think about.

Trainz though for many of us, myself included, is a way to escape from these rotten things. In the olden days, when many of us could afford a big train layout in the shed or basement, we probably would be puttering around down there. When things go terribly wrong, we focus on things that give us enjoyment to take our mind off the miserable aspects of life.

Look at the good things the program brings like the escape and the fact we can build a dream model railroad that goes beyond what we could even dream about due to space and cost, and well beyond what we even imagined when we were young. I think back periodically to when I was young and only imagine what I would have done then with something like this. :)

Anyway, with that sour note, let's try to look at the good things and hope 2016 is good for us all.

I don't know Jon, you are always so negative about everything.

With all it's faults and petty annoyances, Trainz has kept me happy for 12 years and continues to do so hopefully for another 12 at least.

I agree that 2015 was not a truly wonderful year for many reasons outside of Trainz. For me I had to fight an insurance for continued benefits for atypical Parkinson's disease. Yes, one that doesn't fit the mold of the classic symptoms, yet has many scary ones which are leading in a direction I don't want to discuss here or even think about.

Trainz though for many of us, myself included, is a way to escape from these rotten things. In the olden days, when many of us could afford a big train layout in the shed or basement, we probably would be puttering around down there. When things go terribly wrong, we focus on things that give us enjoyment to take our mind off the miserable aspects of life.

Look at the good things the program brings like the escape and the fact we can build a dream model railroad that goes beyond what we could even dream about due to space and cost, and well beyond what we even imagined when we were young. I think back periodically to when I was young and only imagine what I would have done then with something like this. :)

Anyway, with that sour note, let's try to look at the good things and hope 2016 is good for us all.


I agree wholeheartedly with you John. Whenever 'bad' things happen in your life, we all know just how difficult it may be to overcome or get past it. But,... we guys are the lucky ones. We have something that we can focus our attention on, to take our minds away from the daily problems we need to face, and create something that gives us personal pleasure, something we can share with our mates on the Forum. They have that 'one' thing in common,... we all love trains; and that makes us happy.

Enjoy it Jon, soak it up like a sponge and learn new things from your mates.

I'm 77 and when I retired from the work-force I never thought in a million years that I would ever learn something new. But I have and will continue to learn until the day I drop. Only yesterday, I thought I've never known how to create my own assets in Trainz, so I started out by researching various Content Creation software, t5hen reading some Tutorials and I watched several YouTube videos on 'How to do it - hands-on' - I actually created something in 3D and that amazed me!

Jon, you have a choice to make your life as enjoyable as possible, or not. I know what I would choose.
What do you mean by "Just One More Year Shot To Hell as Usual!"? In my case, suffering from terminal cancer I am happy to have made it through 2015, despite the specialists forecasts I might not make it past Christmas 2012 and extending their prognosis only for an extra year since then.

I am looking forward to make it at least to Christmas 2016 and I will keep on creating for Trainz as long as I can. Can't wish and hope for any better than that.

Sorry to hear that mate. I know what cancer treatment is like but I was lucky and my cancer has gone. But while I was having the treatment I didn't have the energy to push a mouse around, so Trainz got shelved for a year or so. I just sat out in the garden, absorbed sunshine and listened to Bach.

I've been working on my route since 2010 and even through a few false starts I continue to work on it and love "most" every minute of it. I struggled through game crashes lost routes and God knows what, but I keep coming back. I look forward to 2016 and so far SP1 has been a pleasure.

Sorry to hear that mate. I know what cancer treatment is like but I was lucky and my cancer has gone. But while I was having the treatment I didn't have the energy to push a mouse around, so Trainz got shelved for a year or so. I just sat out in the garden, absorbed sunshine and listened to Bach.


Those can be trying times and it was Bach that got you through it, Mick. :)

I play Bach every Sunday on my clavichord, and have for years. Every Sunday I pick something of his I have learned well and play it through. It maybe one of his fugues or Fantasies, or a prelude, or part of a Partita, but I play

Right now I have his last two French Suites in playable condition and they are some of the most beautiful pieces JS Bach wrote.

My biggest problem has been starting numerous routes but not being able to push through to a state of completion, entirely down to my own lack of focus.

Intend to try and get it together in 2016 (regardless of which sim or version in the case of Trainz) and a concerted effort to see things through to conclusion rather than dropping things at a half completed stage and moving on to something else.
Hi to you all. As I am at retirement age now then I am so happy to have trainz to fill my time with. Leaving a job for the last time and knowing that you will not have to get up on Monday morning and go to work is daunting. I cannot count the number of retired friends I have who are sometimes hard to get hold of. Why? because they are busy with so many other things they would not have time to go to work anyway.

Jon: Is your glass half full or half empty?? Look around you and you will see there are many people who, for a number of reasons, are much worse off than you are. You are quite fortunate but I doubt you would see it that way. Lighten up and make friends on the forum.

For myself I will be happy to retire knowing I have friends on the forum and a hobby that will give my brain plenty to do and keep me active. For my friends and fellow trainzers then I wish you a good 2016. That every day some sun will shine in your lives. Best foot forward, chin up, "I can and I will".

Me? I don't do 'negative'

Best wishes and regards to you all.

I think that Jon's original comment was meant to be ironic. I stand to be corrected, but it was just a throw-away line, like, "whats your poison?" when you enquire about what drink a person would like.

Best of the New Year.
Six months is not a great deal of time to work on a route ... how bout' 6 years ?

I worked on a route for several years, and accidentally deleted it ... I actually kicked my self in the donkey !

I worked on a route for several years, and scrapped it because the DEM was all deformed, as I hit the "Smooth Spline" tool button, when the gradient(s) were not perfected

I re-did years of work in several months time, and am now satisfied as the gradients and curves are now correct

I don't know if the route will ever be fully done ... as nothing in life is fully done ... until you get married ... then you are completely done for !

That's the joy of surveyor ... there is always something new to do
Six months is not a great deal of time to work on a route ... how bout' 6 years ?

I worked on a route for several years, and accidentally deleted it ... I actually kicked my self in the donkey !

I worked on a route for several years, and scrapped it because the DEM was all deformed, as I hit the "Smooth Spline" tool button, when the gradient(s) were not perfected

I re-did years of work in several months time, and am now satisfied as the gradients and curves are now correct

I don't know if the route will ever be fully done ... as nothing in life is fully done ... until you get married ... then you are completely done for !

That's the joy of surveyor ... there is always something new to do

I've done the same... And like any model railroad, or other work of art the project is never completed to satisfaction of the original artist.

I'm guilty like Vern of having many started and dumped projects which I too need to buckle down on myself and learn to focus. It's not just in Trainz, but in my music as well. With all my time in the world now, I can't focus long enough at the piano to work on anything to completion. The problem is, like Trainz it's easy to get sidetracked and start poking at something other than what was started. I liken it to opening up a box of chocolates and sampling every one of them instead of focusing on one flavor at a time and savoring what that one piece of chocolate has to offer. :)

But again getting back to the OP. Sure Jon, you may have said this tongue-in-check based on your last comment, but it sure didn't come across that way. Remember the written word has many meanings and can be interpreted different ways. As we've all said here in so many ways, Trainz does a lot of good for a lot of us and we tend to keep it that way even if it bugs you to death. :)


In my 85th year, I agree wholeheartedly with all the positive and optimistic views expressed in this thread. I too have started many projects - including a one-boarder with no sign of a railway, purely scenic! - but that's because I enjoy playing around with scenery and finding out what I can create. It's also the reason why my creative efforts focus on using GMax to make buildings - something I enjoyed for many years using card, paper and (later) plastic.

I hope i understood the posts right.
I'm 62 years old and running a motorbike .
Even in bad weather , i'm getting cold and wet but i realise then that many people are lying in hospitals with very bad decises .
I think that many of those want to swap with me . That's keep me going.

And i love trainz off course.
Well I have semi-regular health issues that soetimes cause me to be stuck in but I don't give in and soon get out! Trainz being found years ago was a goldmine find for a tran fan like me. I do not give in to helath matters and a new pair of hiking boots is the next purchase!

By the way spent two summer breaks in the Netherlands and visited the Het Loo Royal Palace outside Apeldorn. Was great weather and enjoyed going round the place and being a hot day the gardens were great too. Made me smile to think that the Royal who lived there a long time ago became King here in Gt Britain. Visited Apeldorn by train of course (nice looking town) and am planning a third trip to your country this summer. Bight a pass in addition to run about on the Amsterdam tram system as I love trams as well. Trainz is the tops for building things with.
"I do not give in to helath matters and a new pair of hiking boots is the next purchase!"

Well done !!

We are England lovers and visited many times your country , mostly Wales.
The last six years i stayed home , i'm having a anxiety disorder. Trainz is the only thing i'm busy with.