I don't know Jon, you are always so negative about everything.
With all it's faults and petty annoyances, Trainz has kept me happy for 12 years and continues to do so hopefully for another 12 at least.
I agree that 2015 was not a truly wonderful year for many reasons outside of Trainz. For me I had to fight an insurance for continued benefits for atypical Parkinson's disease. Yes, one that doesn't fit the mold of the classic symptoms, yet has many scary ones which are leading in a direction I don't want to discuss here or even think about.
Trainz though for many of us, myself included, is a way to escape from these rotten things. In the olden days, when many of us could afford a big train layout in the shed or basement, we probably would be puttering around down there. When things go terribly wrong, we focus on things that give us enjoyment to take our mind off the miserable aspects of life.
Look at the good things the program brings like the escape and the fact we can build a dream model railroad that goes beyond what we could even dream about due to space and cost, and well beyond what we even imagined when we were young. I think back periodically to when I was young and only imagine what I would have done then with something like this.
Anyway, with that sour note, let's try to look at the good things and hope 2016 is good for us all.