

New member
Hello everyone,
Bought Trainz 06 some time ago and with work, kids, ect just forgot about it. Never had the time to devote to the computer much less a simulator. Now things have slowed down and I want to try my hand at Trainz. However I could use some guidance. I hope you guys don't mind lending me a hand.

1. I remember Trainz 04 was considered superior to 06. Is this still the case? (I have Vista now, had XP when I bought the program)

2. What are some good route to DL? Something where I will have a lot of fun driving around hauling or passenger transport. ( I like the idea of hauling more than passenger transport).

3. Good activates for a beginner, nothing to hard but something to get me started learning the ropes.

Anyway, hope to hear from everyone. Take care and thanks in advance for any info and help you can give.

Welcome Back!:wave:

The 'discussion':hehe: of which version of trainz is better has never been resolved.
However, my advice would be to buy a copy of TRS2004 cheaply from a bargain bin somewhere, and then try them both and see what you think.

Hope this helps!

EDIT: Sorry for putting 2006 instead of 2004!
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Thanks for the help everyone. Ill check out those routes/sessions. I'm going to also see if I can't get a copy of Trainz 2004 as well and see if I can't see the difference.
Thanks for the help everyone. Ill check out those routes/sessions. I'm going to also see if I can't get a copy of Trainz 2004 as well and see if I can't see the difference.

For one thing, you won't be plagued with problems about the Content Manager Plus, and sound issues for another. There are also many other features that are missing from the new and deproved 2006. My opinon.
Loblolly Cove is a nice little coastal route, pretty and rural, with some logging stuff you can do on it.

I put in a ferry cruise out around the lighthouse island and back with invisible track ;)