Hello, everyone. Chris here with some news.
Okay, after my rant in the TANE section, i decided to share some news with you guys. I recently updated my old site and gave it a whole new look! It's now called V-Scale Productions, and you can find it at www.vscaleproductions.weebly.com. I have completely remade the interface of the site, and updated my Felixville & Western 0-8-0 as a little Christmas gift for everyone, making it look more like an actual F&W engine instead of just a very basic reskin. I am currently working on some more reskins and a small model railroad, so keep an eye out for any changes in the next few days!
Also, if you would like to host your Trainz downloads there, either use the contact page at the site, or post it here. Merry Christmas!
EDIT: Ben Neal's site has been linked in my site, thanks to Levi (generalman) for reminding me. I will post updates here about the site's design and features.
Keep calm and check it out,
Okay, after my rant in the TANE section, i decided to share some news with you guys. I recently updated my old site and gave it a whole new look! It's now called V-Scale Productions, and you can find it at www.vscaleproductions.weebly.com. I have completely remade the interface of the site, and updated my Felixville & Western 0-8-0 as a little Christmas gift for everyone, making it look more like an actual F&W engine instead of just a very basic reskin. I am currently working on some more reskins and a small model railroad, so keep an eye out for any changes in the next few days!
Also, if you would like to host your Trainz downloads there, either use the contact page at the site, or post it here. Merry Christmas!
EDIT: Ben Neal's site has been linked in my site, thanks to Levi (generalman) for reminding me. I will post updates here about the site's design and features.
Keep calm and check it out,
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