GG1 #4934 for NRM, York!


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The National Railway Museum has announced the purchase of Amtrak GG1 No.4934, formerly PRR No.4917, from the Leatherstocking Railway Museum, NY. The locomotive is currently stored outside at Cooperstown Junction, but it can now look forwards to a secure future in the UK. Due to it's condition, the loco will have to be assessed before it is moved by rail to the Port of New York. It is expected to arrive in the UK in July should all go to plan, and will initially go to the NRM's Shildon branch for a thorough cosmetic restoration. Once it is complete, it will move to York for permanent display, probably in late summer/early autumn. Director of the NRM, Paul Kirkman, has said: "I am delighted to accept 4934 as part of the National Collection. Although it isn't directly related to British railway history, it is hugely important in explaining the evolution of locomotive design through the 1930s. It is also an iconic locomotive that will increase the appeal of the museum to our American visitors."A full statement is expected on the NRM's website shortly.

LNER A4 "Dwight D. Eisenhower" is on display at the National Railroad Museum in Green Bay, Wisconsin, with a short rake of carriages that Dwight D. Eisenhower himself traveled in while he was in Britain.

So, yes. We can all imagine that.
What's more, Union Pacific have announced that #4014 will be fully operational by September and is being fitted with 6 flux-capacitors...

Get your dates right people.
Yup, April Fool's, everyone.
It's a pity though. Given the photographs, it doesn't look like it is being looked after properly at all. The NRM no doubt would give it the attention it deserves. Perhaps we should start a campaign...
One of those run-down GG1s out east has been bought by the Henry Ford Museum, but they can't get it too the museum.

Hold on. Isn't the date "4/2/2015" (or April 2nd, 2015 for those of you outside of the USA)? Pretty sure April Fools' Day is over now.
Probably the 3rd in Australia soon ...

I got my GF with the soaked in water, empty brown TP roll tube, all torn up, and molded (squeeshed in hand) so that it forms a realistic looking puuup ... placed it on her chair :hehe:

She got me with the ol' rubber band around the kitchen faucet sprayer nozzle prank ... I got soaked at 3:48 AM :eek:
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