Getting T:ANE, now what?


Active member
I've always likes TRS04, but the new version is tempting enough to get me to finally upgrade. So what should I know for the new program?
How do I import map and terrain data to generate prototype routes? Are there any tutorials out there to bring me up to date?
Any tutorials to try to transfer my favorite projects from TRS04 or would they be too outdated to attempt?
Also, I hear I need an internet connection. Is that only to download the service pack, or do I need it as part of the DRM every time I play? If so, what's the newest version I can use offline? I'd like to upgrade to Keimei's assets.
Thanks for any advice you can give.
1) Get $1700 for a new 64bit laptop to run T:ANE

2) Get Kleenex tissues

3) Get ready to re-buy the next version of NEXT Trainz soon thereafter, and then throw T:ANE out, just as you did with all your lower Trainz versions

4) Get TS12
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First of all, don't buy a 64 bit laptop for $1700. You can get a desktop PC with better specs for cheaper :-D

Secondly, I don't know what everyone's beef is with T:ANE. I think it's great. Did I need to upgrade from TS12, no. No I didn't. But am I happy with the product, so far yes. Very. I only wish support for my $200 Rail Driver controller would become available.

I'm no expert on content compatibility but I would put in a pretty solid bet that 90% of your content is not going to be compatible and/or lack applicable upgrades/fixes from the download station. Just moving some of my routes from TS12 was problematic. But the good news is that the downloadable content out there today is of such high quality you'll forget all about what didn't move from TS04. If you have a route that you've been working on for a long time and want to keep, you might be able to get away with replacing assets one by one with newer ones, but I'm not entirely sure how well that might work. It might be beneficial to start over if for no other reason then experience gained route building over the years.

If I'm not mistaken, DRM was removed with service pack 1.

If I were you I'd look around on YouTube to see if anyone has any how to videos available to answer your other questions. But I'm sure others will chime in here.

First of all, don't buy a 64 bit laptop for $1700. You can get a desktop PC with better specs for cheaper :-D
If I'm not mistaken, DRM was removed with service pack 1.
OK ... $1200, and that is iffy' for a laptop ... if you really want to melt a laptop
You might want to check up on the DRM thingy ... you may have an "turn internet off" tick box, which is like pulling out your Ethernet cable
If I'm not mistaken, DRM was removed with service pack 1.

Not quite. There are in fact two versions of TANE SP1. Most people would have the version that still supports DRM. A few, myself included, who were Kickstarter supporters, have the DRM free version.
We all now should have the choice of DRM or DRM free. I have the DRM 80349, and the 80345 DRM free patch is on standby in my B.U. drive.
We all now should have the choice of DRM or DRM free. I have the DRM 80349, and the 80345 DRM free patch is on standby in my B.U. drive.

From memory it's only those who have either registered for DRM-free by the end of last year or those who already have DRM-free versions originally that get the SP1 DRM-free version.

It's the conversion patch from the DRM version to the Deluxe DRM-free version. It will only work correctly if you have a serial number that starts TNPD though (which will usually mean that you originally had a DRM-free version prior to patching to 80349)

When I acquired TANe it came straight from SimCentral 2 days after the full sp1 included version dropped. There was no Serno as it is a digi DL. I think I am seeing the real picture here. Interesting....
It's still rather confusing I know. Even I'm trying to make sense of it myself although I do understand which patches require serial numbers though.

For that 80345 patch, I'd say so (as the DRM-free version will not work correctly without a relevant serial number). A quick question though - did you register your interest for a SP1 DRM-free version back in December?

Due to "circumstances" beyond my control, I have been in the dark from about Sept 2012 till recently. So I was SOL on the deal.

Que Serra Serrra I suppose. Besides. I only had the patch on standby as "insurance" anyway.