GBRF 66 Rainbow desgned by a 6year old girl

Nice great to see the younger generation thinking outside of the box. I can only image this for a steamer.
I actually kinda like it. It's a break from the norm, if you know what i mean.

Now if somebody could just make that...(not me, can't reskin. can barely build routes!:eek: :hehe:)
If I saw that for real, I would smile.

That's quite a contrast when compared to most other locomotives. Given that the livery isn't crisp and neatly applied like almost everything else on the railways, this has a light hearted feel to it, and I like that.
She's showing quite a talent already is the young lady, GBRf, sign her up quick for future employment......:hehe:

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
rainbow 66 livery different one side

can i say that the livery is different on one side and is not the same on both sides (33nerd)

I actually kinda like it. It's a break from the norm, if you know what i mean.

Now if somebody could just make that...(not me, can't reskin. can barely build routes!:eek: :hehe:)
I'd be wiling to have a crack at it! After assignments of course....

I actually like that. It should become BR's livery!

And what do you mean you can barely buld routes? Titfield was beautiful, until yu decided to re-do Mallingford, which set the project back!