Full Steam Ahead BBC2 Thursdays 8 pm now on BBC iplayer


Active member
A fascinating new series started on BBC TV on Thursday. This shows the changes that the railways had on social history. Festiniog is featured showing how the slate was mined and cut and how the slate was brought down to the port, Porthmadog. This program adds even more interest to Malc's route.

Thanks, Ken for letting us know. I'll have to wait a bit for the program to appear locally on my public TV (WGBH) in a few month's time before I get to see it.

Hi Everybody.
We have some friends who have a daughter living in New Zealand who misses the BBC greatly since moving out their. While we were away on holiday it was said that the BBC are to introduce a subscription for people outside the UK which will enable them to view the entire contents of the Iplayer anywhere.

Since returning home we can find no publicity on this whatsoever. Does anybody know if the above is true, or is it just another rumour (lol)

Hi Everybody.
We have some friends who have a daughter living in New Zealand who misses the BBC greatly since moving out their. While we were away on holiday it was said that the BBC are to introduce a subscription for people outside the UK which will enable them to view the entire contents of the Iplayer anywhere.

Since returning home we can find no publicity on this whatsoever. Does anybody know if the above is true, or is it just another rumour (lol)


This used to exist, but I think it's been replaced by BBC store, where you pay for individual programmes or series which you can then watch whenever you like...

They have full steam ahead available for £1.89 an episode or £9.99 for the series. https://store.bbc.com/full-steam-ahead

I thought the programme was quite good, although anything by this team of presenters normally is!
Thanks for the link.

Just watched it with great interest.

If you have a choice, view it on BBC iPlayer which is HD. The YouTube version only manages a low grade 360p image.