Frequent pauses in Driver.


New member
Frequent pauses from a second or less to more than 5 seconds. My AMD Phenom II X6 1035, 2.6GHz processor, Win7 system with a Geforce 750-2GB Graphics passes the Trainz Diag. Tool. To eliminate any system question...
I purchased and installed a new copy of Trainz12 on a brand new custom-built system: AMD 8350 GHz processor on an Ga-990fa-ud3 AM3+ MB, with 16 GB RAM, GeForce 760 board w/4GB RAM; only Win 8.1 Pro installed and two Samsung SSDs. Same results though max pause in my test only 4 seconds.
In both systems, little or no HD activity during lengthier pauses. Processors not overloaded. Have screen shots of Task Manager CPU performance to show periods of pauses.
Any realistic solutions out there? My search of Forums came up with naught.
Same here, and for that matter I think everyone has these "freezes". The other day, it froze and did not come back! Rather than ctrl+alt=del, I left for a glass of water. After 5 MINUTES, it came back! and was running like it should! I wonder if it was doing a, database repair by itself without me knowing; but wait. in driver? don't know. (Oh!, in case you wonder: I have an upscale setup with SSD in raid 0, all lates drives of Nvidia and overclock CPU to near 4Ghz). At any rate, running in driver you get these 1/2 second or more all freeze, and so far nobody has been able to explain why or what to do about it. Only thing I can think: Let's wait for Tane and see
Brian (llebrez) is right. We all get it. It seems to be related to something with the database. I noticed that as the driver sessions progress along, that there will be pauses periodically. With the database console window open, to show the database processes, there's a pause, followed by a command number and a write database message. I could see the writes occur just before the game pause. Why this is happening is unknown to me. I thought maybe the game was writing updating AI positions, but then this occurred while I was in Surveyor as well.

I get jerky movement anytime my portal is creating a train, I would assume it is because the game engine is not multi threaded and has difficulty doing more that one thing at a time.
I get jerky movement anytime my portal is creating a train, I would assume it is because the game engine is not multi threaded and has difficulty doing more that one thing at a time.

I've had it on routes that don't even have portals; it just happens all the time.

The end result is the same: Stutters. But the causes may not be. Sometimes it will pause momentarily due to re-doing something related to video, others at reading out of RAM and others at reading out of slow HD's. But if you have a fast processor, fast video card and large and fast RAM, then the only thing left is the way the program works. I think....
I too get the same thing..I'm sure its the way it has been programed..I sometimes will Dump my Ram which helps..And also go between Direct X vs Open GL..But no cure..
Thanks or the inputs and comments. It was a 4GHz processor in the custom-built machine---everything significantly surpassed Trainz requirements. My concern is that the pauses are getting more frequent and of longer duration in latter builds. This one is 61388. Many of you may take it all in stride but I think it's gotten out of hand. Let's hope Trainz - A New Era can do better.
Thanks or the inputs and comments. It was a 4GHz processor in the custom-built machine---everything significantly surpassed Trainz requirements. My concern is that the pauses are getting more frequent and of longer duration in latter builds. This one is 61388. Many of you may take it all in stride but I think it's gotten out of hand. Let's hope Trainz - A New Era can do better.

This is most apparent in the latest build. I think it's buggy code from the service pack, which cause a lot of other weird problems as well. A machine that fast with more than enough RAM, and a decent video card shouldn't have problems like this. My machine is similarly decked out and no other program does this.

We can only hope that T ANE will be much better. and rightly so.

It seems that draw distance has something to do with it as well - I guess - when there are stacks of assets at certain spots on the maps ( eg. when passing two long trains etc. ) it seems worse.
I had alot of pausing in driver so I removed all the automobile roads that had AI cars on them and replaced them with no-car roads and the pausing stopped.
Im running a 2.93 Intel Pent Dual-core, 4 gb mem, XP, and a Geforce GTX750.
You know, there are a lot of things can cause Stuttering in either Driver or surveyor..Buildings, Heavey installations of any kind..All you can do is play with your sliders..Switch between Open Gl vs Direct X..Watch your computer settings..Heat Problems Etc..And Hope for the best..
You know, there are a lot of things can cause Stuttering in either Driver or surveyor..Buildings, Heavey installations of any kind..All you can do is play with your sliders..Switch between Open Gl vs Direct X..Watch your computer settings..Heat Problems Etc..And Hope for the best..

Sure the old-fashioned lots of trees and buildings next to a rail yard can definitely cause this, but this was just a stutter in the animation. However, this is not the case it seems. A train will run along fine then pause a second or two, sometimes longer then continue along, and then do it again. This also happens just as the train approaches a station, sometimes just before coupling or uncoupling which ruins the animation and effects, and sometimes just because. This also happens on all routes, including built-in ones as well as my own, and on a plain vanilla install after HF4. SP0 TS12 never had this, or at least this bad.

This all happens in Surveyor. Choose the texture tab for example, pause... Start placing a texture and there's a pause in the middle so that you end up blobbing instead of smearing. Try to adjust track and then there's another big pause so that you end up over exaggerating the move and the spline point ends up in the wrong place.

This appears to be an inherent issue after SP1, which HF4 tried to fix however it didn't fix it all the way.

Thinking this was a hardware issue, I have added more RAM, replaced hard drives, checked and monitored the cooling on my system, keep my drivers up-to-date, switched between Open/GL and DX, adjusted sliders up and down, and now don't drive much.

John Right on..Another thing I think about too is helps..I think another thing you have too think about is "Anticipation" of an area..Learn how too recognize and anticipate possible problem areas
John Right on..Another thing I think about too is helps..I think another thing you have too think about is "Anticipation" of an area..Learn how too recognize and anticipate possible problem areas

City and built-up areas in general are an art as well as a science when it comes to route building. I find that a lot of route walking, meaning the camera on the ground using the Alt+Y key sequence helps. Move along looking at the scenery and the track, and if there are big stutters at this point, without any rolling stock around, it's time to do some trimming and demolition work! This is also a great time to proof for stupid things like floating buildings and stuff that shouldn't be in the way.
