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At the top of the forums is a tab called Code of Conduct. I've hyperlinked to it as well. This code of conduct starts off with two simple sentences:
The rest of the CoC identifies in more detail what this simple message means, but ultimately, when in doubt, re-read the opening two sentences. We have recently seen an escalation in the flaming, personal attacks, name calling, threats, accusations, aggression and all-in-all "non-friendly" behaviour. Much of this has also been due to things that have happened in other forums. Simply put, we have had enough of this sort of behaviour and all Moderators will be taking a much tougher stance for a period of time.
For those that are too lazy to read the CoC, here is the key point relating to disruptive behaviour:
If someone has said something about you, whilst it may make you feel better temporarily by talking back at them on our forums, you will be punished equally if you break our forums rules.
To avoid being banned, it is quite simple - be NICE!
Tony Hilliam
Our goal is to ensure that N3V's online forums and chat channels are welcoming environments where people can come together and discuss relevant subjects and topics in a friendly and non-aggressive environment. The purpose of this code of conduct is to ensure that users can participate in the forums and chats without being "flamed", personally attacked, harassed or be exposed to inappropriate materials.
The rest of the CoC identifies in more detail what this simple message means, but ultimately, when in doubt, re-read the opening two sentences. We have recently seen an escalation in the flaming, personal attacks, name calling, threats, accusations, aggression and all-in-all "non-friendly" behaviour. Much of this has also been due to things that have happened in other forums. Simply put, we have had enough of this sort of behaviour and all Moderators will be taking a much tougher stance for a period of time.
For those that are too lazy to read the CoC, here is the key point relating to disruptive behaviour:
Submitting messages that are inflammatory and made simply with the intent to provoke disruption to the forum or chat room and encourage, incite or continue "flame" messages. "Trolling" and baiting will not be tolerated. Messages that are disruptive and destructive in character will not be tolerated. Flaming is deemed to include insulting, personally directed criticisms and/or messages that include comments aimed to incite anger. Trolling is deemed to include messages aimed to incite disruption or stir up trouble. For example, posting to a thread or starting a thread without the intent to contribute positive suggestions or comments. Instead, the aim is negative and disruptive comments.
If someone has said something about you, whilst it may make you feel better temporarily by talking back at them on our forums, you will be punished equally if you break our forums rules.
To avoid being banned, it is quite simple - be NICE!
Tony Hilliam