I am trying to fix the DEC WDW Contemporary Hotel kuid2:59692:100278:1 to use in tane.
This is the error I am getting in Tane.
Here is the config.
I had to edit the config here to fit the forum
When looking at the mesh contemporaryhotel.im in Pevsoft's mesh viewer the attachment point is there.

So I am
Most of the time I am able to fix errors. But every once in a while...
PS mods if this is not in the right plce please move it.
I am trying to fix the DEC WDW Contemporary Hotel kuid2:59692:100278:1 to use in tane.
This is the error I am getting in Tane.
- Attachment point 'att' in 'resort-interior' must be found in mesh 'contemporaryhotel.im'.
- The attachment point 'a.origin:Cull' must belong to the parent mesh of the effect (mesh=contemporaryhotel.im).
username "DEC WDW Contemporary Hotel"
kind "industry"
description "The Walt Disney World Contemporary Hotel Station
This content was originally created by Jack Emmerichs and Repaired By Dave Czerwonky ( timberdv ) so it is compatable with TS12"
category-class "BPF"
light 1
nightmode "lamp"
icon-texture "ContemporaryResort.tga"
passenger-height 8.5
script "ContemporaryResort"
class "ContemporaryResort"
author "Jack Emmerichs (JFE)"
organisation "The Monorail Project"
contact-email "beamrider1@hotmail.com"
license "The design of the Walt Disney World monorails is copyrighted by the Walt Disney Company. The custom content in this package is not associated with the Walt Disney Company in any way, and constitutes a form of Fan Art. As such, it is freely available to any monorail fans, and cannot be used for any commercal purpose. Use of these models does not grant the user any rights to modify or redistribute these materials unless authorized in writing by the author, but anyone is free to download and use these materials for free from the project's current public download site. Anyone is also free, of course, to add their own materials to these items to increase the variety and content available to those of us who enjoy the Walt Disney World monorails."
category-region "US"
category-era "1970s;1980s;1990s;2000s"
trainz-build 2.9
image "ContemporaryResortStation.jpg"
width 240
height 180
version <NULL>
mesh "contemporaryhotel.im"
auto-create 1
kind "attachment"
att "a.origin:Cull"
default-mesh <kuid:59692:100277>
kind "corona"
att "a.red01"
texture-kuid <kuid:-3:10112>
frequency 0
directional 0
object-size 0.3
max-distance 1500
kind "corona"
att "a.red02"
texture-kuid <kuid:-3:10112>
frequency 0
directional 0
object-size 0.3
max-distance 1500
kind "corona"
att "a.red03"
texture-kuid <kuid:-3:10112>
frequency 0
directional 0
object-size 0.3
max-distance 1500
kind "corona"
att "a.red04"
texture-kuid <kuid:-3:10112>
frequency 0
directional 0
object-size 0.3
max-distance 1500
mesh "night/contemporaryhotelnight.im"
night-mesh-base "default"
kuid <kuid2:59692:100278:1>
passenger <kuid:-3:10060>
beacon <kuid:-3:10112>
track <kuid:31293:38005>
resort_interior <kuid:59692:100277>
resort_interior_night <kuid:59692:100276>
When looking at the mesh contemporaryhotel.im in Pevsoft's mesh viewer the attachment point is there.

So I am

Most of the time I am able to fix errors. But every once in a while...
PS mods if this is not in the right plce please move it.