Finding missing dependencies in TRS2006 content using CMP


Well-known member
I have been trying to find some of the missing dependencies on downloaded content using CMP

I picked an item at random from the list Class_33_fragonset ( trs2004 vintage )

CMP reported 8 missing codependencies all unknown location not on the DLS

So after keying all the kuids in one at a time into Downloader Pro & ticking all the boxes
PreSP3 Trainz

Guess what I found all the (missing,unknown ,not on the DLS kuids ) & downloaded them. Some of these items were trs2004 some were from previous builds .

So the question

Can CMP only see the current build version of content items when searching for missing independences / kuids ?

It seems a bit useless to be able to import content from previous versions but not be able to find the missing bits & pieces to get them to work.

Any comments ?
Anyone else found this?
Anyone know if TC has this problem finding missing dependencies?

CMP's ability to find missing dependencies depends on how up-to-date your DLS database is. This depends on the status of your assets.tdx file. If it isn't up-to-date it won't find some items.

My CMP lists the total database as 101770 assets. The newest items on the DLS are dated May 26th and are listed in my CMP.

Right-Click on any asset that has a missing dependencies and scroll down to View in Main List. You should see all the missing dependencies.
This is what I mean

Pick an item with missing dependencies

It shows all missing dependencies Including unknowns

View in the main list unknown items not shown for download

Kuid number of one items in Downloader Pro find the unkown items which are listed as Trs2004
so why can't CMP see them
CMP can't see the unknown items because they're not on the DLS. They were probably made from an outside source, or an earlier\newer version of trainz.

Can CMP only see the current build version of content items when searching for missing independences / kuids ?


That's pretty much it. And yes it is frustrating. It seems that if CMP can't find the exact version of a dependency listed, it won't bother to look for a new one or anything that obsoletes it. Always worth manually checking the DLS for anything missing, just in case...

CMP can't see the unknown items because they're not on the DLS. They were probably made from an outside source, or an earlier\newer version of trainz.

They are on the DLS and are from TRS2004 build same as the content there part of which shows in CMP but why are some found & others not.
If CMP searches the data base why can't it see kuids that are on the DLS is it only looking for TRS2006 build Kuids & not the actual Kiud numbers?


I use both TRS 2006 CMP and TC CMP. 2006 does not seem to be able to find missing assets if the version of the kuid has advanced. TC does not seem to have that problem. What I do to solve this in 2006 is to search for the "Author ID" and than click on the "Asset KUID" column. For instance I have a missing KUID 30671:27378:1 and CMP reports it is not on the DLS. In Author ID I put #30671 and hit the Apply button. In the results area I press the column heading for Asset KUID and now have a listing of all assets by this author sorted by kuid number. I scroll down and see 30671:27378:2 and just drag it to the download helper. I know this has been corrected in the TC CMP and one of these days I'm going to have to switch to TC.

I hope this helps.