Fed up with Classics

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Unidentified bogie
Well, I've had it. I am sick and done with the constant crashing and horrid instability of TC! Even with my bad memory, TRS2006 has almost never crashed (1 crash every week?)! Compare that to 22 crashes a day in Classics! :o

Could someone please tell me how to move everything (assets, even the built-in ones, routes, everything) back into TRS2006?

I have had Trainz Classics installed since the day I recieved it and have 1 crash, I have never had a major issue with TC at all.

The crash that I had was on exiting after a 4 hour Surveyor session, but started TC up again a few hours later and everything was fine.
Hi Lo_ploy,

You wont be able to import TC stuff into 06 because of script errors you will get. I you must be having some bad luck to have TC Crash on you that often, i would say in my experience TRS06 crash about 10 time more often than TC.

but thats what i have just noticed, what is in teh Jet log when you get the crash? perhaps we can find out what is causing it.

All the best


^That's what happens. What's wierd is when TC crashes, it doesn't kick me to the desktop with the error message.

To make things worse, alt-tab or anything doesn't work so I have to use the 3 finger salute. And when I get to the desktop, no matter how much I try to get to the "Fatal error" window it won't show up! So I'm not going to be able to figure out what the error is, spaid :(.
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The jetlog.txt file is always being updated by the game engine, so you may find that it may have something right down the bottom of the file, at the end that may hold a clue to what went wrong.

Could be a piece of content or a script error, hard to say, but the jetlog.txt file would be a good place to start looking.

Edit: By the look of the video it was still trying to cache the area where you were at.
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Hey does the Jet log have anything in it, it records thing live during playing so usually if something go wrong it should have either what happened before it or what just happened in it.

Other ideas could be increase your texture memory (in the options of launcher) also have you tried DirectX vs OpenGL? and have you tried deleting assets.tdx and the cache folder? Try these and see if any of them help.

All the best

Jet vRRRRR.RR Build 1234.5.QQQQQ on Aug 20 2007 at 11:52:49.

? 00000D68 Warn 0:01.9 TrainzClassic : InterfaceTextDB> failed to load compiled interfacetext file
? 000013E4 Warn 0:07.9 TrainzClassic : DownloadTask::DoPlanetAuranLogin> logging in to planet auran
? 00001458 Warn 10:20.4 TrainzClassic : TADDownloadStation::Read> queued urls: 4
? 00001458 Warn 10:20.4 TrainzClassic : TADDownloadStation::Read> queued url: http://www.auran.com/games/gamefile...iles/RecordManager/Dump/Daily/20071216.txt.gz
? 00001458 Warn 10:20.4 TrainzClassic : TADDownloadStation::Read> queued url: http://www.auran.com/games/gamefile...iles/RecordManager/Dump/Daily/20071217.txt.gz
? 00001458 Warn 10:20.4 TrainzClassic : TADDownloadStation::Read> queued url: http://www.auran.com/games/gamefile...iles/RecordManager/Dump/Daily/20071218.txt.gz
? 00001458 Warn 10:20.4 TrainzClassic : TADDownloadStation::Read> queued url: http://www.auran.com/games/gamefile...iles/RecordManager/Dump/Daily/20071219.txt.gz
? 00001464 Warn 10:22.8 TrainzClassic : TADDownloadStation::Write> 4
? 00000D68 Warn 13:14.6 TrainzClassic : WorldState::NativeLog> Scenerytrigger > Init complete
? 00000D68 Warn 13:14.6 TrainzClassic : Interface.Print> 'Scenerytrigger > Init complete'
? 00000D68 Warn 13:15.0 TrainzClassic : ScriptLog> router message from 0257 'AJS Station 1x110s 1' to 0257 'AJS Station 1x110s 1', message Station-122285, Setup
? 00000D68 Warn 13:15.0 TrainzClassic : ScriptLog> router message from 0280 'AJS Station 1x110s 2' to 0280 'AJS Station 1x110s 2', message Station-122285, Setup
? 00000DB0 Warn 13:28.8 TrainzClassic : TADDownloadStation::Write> 4
! 00000638 Err 14:47.4 ExceptionHandle : Critical Shutdown ...
! 00000638 Err 14:47.6 ExceptionHandle : Class: Hardware
! 00000638 Err 14:47.6 ExceptionHandle : Reason: Access Violation
! 00000638 Err 14:47.6 ExceptionHandle : Version: Jet vRRRRR.RR Build 1234.5.QQQQQ
! 00000638 Err 14:47.6 ExceptionHandle :
! 00000638 Err 14:47.6 ExceptionHandle : Exception @ 00860564 in C:\Program Files\Auran\TC\bin\RenderSystem_7c.dll
! 00000638 Err 14:47.6 ExceptionHandle :
! 00000638 Err 14:47.6 ExceptionHandle : Recoverable exception: Yes
! 00000638 Err 14:47.6 ExceptionHandle :
! 00000638 Err 14:47.6 ExceptionHandle : EAX: 00400000 EBX: 00000001 ECX: 1C036AFC EDX: 00000000
! 00000638 Err 14:47.6 ExceptionHandle : ESP: 01C3FCAC EBP: 2B59D87C ESI: 00000000 EDI: 00000001
! 00000638 Err 14:47.6 ExceptionHandle :
! 00000638 Err 14:47.6 ExceptionHandle : DS: 00000023 FS: 0000003B
! 00000638 Err 14:47.6 ExceptionHandle : ES: 00000023 GS: 00000000
! 00000638 Err 14:47.6 ExceptionHandle : SS: 00000023 CS:EIP: 001B:00860564
! 00000638 Err 14:47.6 ExceptionHandle :
! 00000638 Err 14:47.6 ExceptionHandle : Flags: 00210246 (CF:0 ZF:1 SF:0)
! 00000638 Err 14:47.6 ExceptionHandle :
! 00000638 Err 14:47.6 ExceptionHandle : Call Stack:
! 00000638 Err 14:47.6 ExceptionHandle :
! 00000638 Err 14:47.6 ExceptionHandle : 00860564 - 00000001(+3F564) C:\Program Files\Auran\TC\bin\RenderSystem_7c.dll
Do you get any errors or crashes in CMP or CPP? and i guess the other thing is does Trainz Crash in Modular City?

It could be a RAm issue it seems that when you are caching a large amount of memory it crashes, so if you had a bit of RAM that was damaged, then it could explain this error. Perhaps downlaod a tool that can do a test to make sure your RAM isn't damnaged.

Also Lo_Poly, I just downloaded the AJS Station 1x110s after seeing it listed in the jetlog.txt file and noticed that in CMP it has a few unknown dependencies, do you have all the dependencies installed?
It could be a RAm issue it seems that when you are caching a large amount of memory it crashes, so if you had a bit of RAM that was damaged, then it could explain this error. Perhaps downlaod a tool that can do a test to make sure your RAM isn't damnaged.

I know I do have some bad memory, but it doesn't seem to effect TRS2006 at all. It can keep caching a ton of assets in 06 and it not commit seppuku unlike TC. :eek:

Also Lo_Poly, I just downloaded the AJS Station 1x110s after seeing it listed in the jetlog.txt file and noticed that in CMP it has a few unknown dependencies, do you have all the dependencies installed?

How can I check? Err... I don't think it would matter. It happens anywhere, not just where those AJS stations are.

Edit: Also, (so it would be caching constantly) I spun around the Modula City map for 5 minutes solid. If it was going to crash it would've crashed already!
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The easiest way to check, start CMP, find AJS Station 1x110s in the list of items installed, see if it says missing dependencies.

It depends on how you installed it whether or not it does.

To check, select the AJS Station 1x110s in the list, press CTRL+E yo open it for edit, now press CTRL+M to commit. This will make CMP update and see that there maybe missing dependencies.
The easiest way to check, start CMP, find AJS Station 1x110s in the list of items installed, see if it says missing dependencies.

It depends on how you installed it whether or not it does.

To check, select the AJS Station 1x110s in the list, press CTRL+E yo open it for edit, now press CTRL+M to commit. This will make CMP update and see that there maybe missing dependencies.

Checked it. The asset and it's dependencies are fine. :)

However, I am still getting these problems with TC.
I noticed that classics doesn't cache like '06 does. After I finished a city on a route, I thought my computer was about to die on my test drive.
I noticed that classics doesn't cache like '06 does. After I finished a city on a route, I thought my computer was about to die on my test drive.

Besides the broken sky, and the constant crashing I am getting, that's one of the things I hate most about TC. :o
If you've got dodgy memory you can't expect TC to run without crashing (can you?). You are blaming the program for a hardware fault on your computer, I'm not surprised it crashes constantly.

You also can't say 'TRS2006 ran fine with my dodgy memory, why can't TC?' as TC probably uses memory in a different way to TRS2006.

Fix the memory or take it out.

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