Faulty builtins, cannot revert


Hi all.

I was tidying up my content in CM today when I noticed many of my sessions had faulty dependencies. They are:

Set Junctions,<kuid:-25:1046>
Trigger Check,<kuid:-25:903>

Their respective problems are:

Warning: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 2.7 are no longer supported.
Error: setjunctionsrule.gs(139) : function SetDefaultDirection not declared in class Junction or derivative, line 139.
Error: .. while compiling 'setjunctionsrule.gs'

Warning: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 2.7 are no longer supported.
Error: triggercheckrule.gs(323) : variable m_bDoesConditionalScenarioBehaviorResetChildrenWhenDeflagged not declared, line 323.
Error: triggercheckrule.gs(323) : cannot cast from bool to , line 323.
Error: triggercheckrule.gs(324) : variable m_bDoesConditionalScenarioBehaviorSetCompleteWhenDeflagged not declared, line 324.
Error: triggercheckrule.gs(324) : cannot cast from bool to , line 324.
Error: triggercheckrule.gs(380) : function FlagConditionalScenarioBehavior not declared, line 380.
Error: triggercheckrule.gs(385) : invalid if expression, line 385.
Error: triggercheckrule.gs(390) : function DeflagConditionalScenarioBehavior not declared, line 390.
Error: .. while compiling 'triggercheckrule.gs'

Normally, when faced with problematic builtins I just revert or revert to original and this always solves the problem. However in this case both options are grayed out. So the assets have just broken themselves?
I've had that happen as well due to various reasons including content rot.

You might need to do a database repair. That usually fixes the problem.

Thanks John.

Fortunately I did not need to do a database repair. The assets in question have been updated by N3V and appropriately broken (something they have a propensity for). Deleting the local copy of the asset from the "View Asset Versions" and redownloading an old one fixed the errors. This does mean that the next time "Download All" is used in the in-game content updater, this needs to be done again.

Not a good idea N3V, trying to get people to buy TANE by breaking builtins in older versions. Tsk.
You can get round this by creating a folder on the desktop and name it as the problem asset, then open the older version with 'Edit in Explorer'. Copy all the files to the folder on the desktop and change the kuid to the latest version.
Then go to CMP and import the folder.This will stop it trying to update.