Extremely Slow Rendering of Roads and Tracks in TRS2022 Build 122411 on Large Routes

I had recently upgraded to TRS2022 Build 122411. But I am now experiencing an issue where rendering of roads and track on large routes like the UMR 2022 is extremely slow which was not an issue on the previous TRS2022 build. My PC build has a Ryzen 5 5600X and an RTX 3060 graphics card. Is anyone experiencing this same issue? Any advice on resolving this issue?
I had recently upgraded to TRS2022 Build 122411. But I am now experiencing an issue where rendering of roads and track on large routes like the UMR 2022 is extremely slow which was not an issue on the previous TRS2022 build. My PC build has a Ryzen 5 5600X and an RTX 3060 graphics card. Is anyone experiencing this same issue? Any advice on resolving this issue?

I have the UMR route but have not yet tried to convert it to HD. I will give it a try tomorrow and see what happens. This is an extremely large route compared to most and could test the limits of HD routes on many computers with all the settings maxed out.

We shall see tomorrow.
Check your performance settings. The settings have changed and have different names for the same settings you used previously.

From the release notes:

New Shader Options, Basic, Standard & Extreme

  • Basic is equivalent to old Standard
  • Standard is equivalent to old Ultra
Check your performance settings. The settings have changed and have different names for the same settings you used previously.

From the release notes:

New Shader Options, Basic, Standard & Extreme

  • Basic is equivalent to old Standard
  • Standard is equivalent to old Ultra
I had the shader option already set to standard when I had an issue with no rendering or extremely slow rendering of roads and tracks on large routes like the UMR 2022 which was not the issue on the previous Trainz 2022 build. Even moving to low settings did not fix the issue. This upgrade is a joke. It creates new problems. Does anyone have similar complaints on this upgrade?
I had the shader option already set to standard when I had an issue with no rendering or extremely slow rendering of roads and tracks on large routes like the UMR 2022 which was not the issue on the previous Trainz 2022 build. Even moving to low settings did not fix the issue. This upgrade is a joke. It creates new problems. Does anyone have similar complaints on this upgrade?
i can attests to the same issue but on a different route and mine is still on the original settings yet. My only complaint on this upgrade is that the HD Textures Eat Up Memory like its no tomorrow making a 350Mb route file to over 2TB file size... a word to N3V quit messing with a game that was perfectly fine until now that was not broke just like the saying goes IF its Not Broke DON'T Fix it if you know what i mean by that... The User interface is outstanding now the HD textures that is a Different story.. but one can have his/her opinion on a subject matter..
My only complaint on this upgrade is that the HD Textures Eat Up Memory like its no tomorrow making a 350Mb route file to over 2TB file size...

2TB ? Is that correct? That would mean a brand new disk for me, just for 1 route !
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I have converted my 10m grid route to HD and the file size went from 319.5MB to 3.4304GB. I did not like how the route looks after the conversion to HD grid. I think it would be best for small routes that are started with HD grids.
i can attests to the same issue but on a different route and mine is still on the original settings yet. My only complaint on this upgrade is that the HD Textures Eat Up Memory like its no tomorrow making a 350Mb route file to over 2TB file size... a word to N3V quit messing with a game that was perfectly fine until now that was not broke just like the saying goes IF its Not Broke DON'T Fix it if you know what i mean by that... The User interface is outstanding now the HD textures that is a Different story.. but one can have his/her opinion on a subject matter..
Seems to me that large routes are no longer viable in Trainz 2022 starting from this upgrade. I hugely regret accepting this upgrade. Is there anyway I can revert back to the previous Trainz 2022 build before a better upgrade comes which fixes the slow rendering issue on large routes?
I think this HD terrain 'feature' is all about getting more realistic screen shots. I find that 5M resolution DEM and 5M baseboards are sufficient AND when driving a route at any speed you dont notice the fine details of the terrain and scenery anyway.
Myself and one of my other devs tried the new HD terrain, hoping it was going to be drastically better than the alpha and beta builds. But it seems to be drastically worse.
I converted a 10,097 baseboard route, which works in 5m data like a dream, (I’ve tried up to 60,000, and that’s pretty much the limit for 5m).
It had no problems converting the route etc, even halved the route file in size which I initially thought was great.
But then here came the trouble… my RAM usage would not drop below 40gb, and at some points even peaked at 60Gb. This is a 400-600% performance need increase compared to how the 5m grid terrain performs. Regardless of shader setting.
I could only move so far on the route before it would stop loading in data all together and if I tried to travel anything more than the 30km render distance via the mini-map, the game would struggle extremely to load in the new data.
I have to say it’s a really big let down. I’m sure HD terrain isn’t /meant/ to be used for such large routes, but for it to use 4-6x the amount of resources, when resource usage by the game is already extremely high… I think myself and my team will be giving HD terrain a miss. Very dissatisfied and disappointed after everything that’s been hyped up about it. It’s just not at a stage where the added feature is worth the trade-off of its costs.
Not to mention that the locking up of HD terrain on a route also caused the route to corrupt and become inoperable and actually ended up deleting itself off of content manager.
I think a 1m grid would’ve been better than the amount of “HD Quality” we have now at 0.125cm.

I am looking forward to the Living Railroad stuff and really like the improvements to the handling of the UI and properties menu, but I’ll be sticking with 5m grid until HD terrain becomes A LOT more optimised.
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I also having problems with the wait a minute rendering of tacks and splines. All sliders at minimum. The route is 350mb.

I had to uninstall the latest Build 122912 due to severe Tree Flickering. Re-installed the the 122411 and it does have slow rendering of Weeds and other assets.
The Weeds around my Signs look like cotton until you get real close to them, then they focus into their detail.
The Weed Flickering is back again in the Build 122411. The older 119450 build was very good for fast Rendering.
As the updates go forward things get worse for rendering details, and FPS is going down.
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Build 122912 is the Trainz-Plus Beta.

You should report the flickering bug.

There are known performance issues with this build including loading times due to no precaching.

Build 122411 is the current retail build for Trainz-Plus and it works okay except for issues with Bulk Replace assets and that has been fixed in the current beta build.
Why couldn't we do textures like we did trees, put HD textures close to the tracks and regular textures far away, best of both worlds.
I also run the UMR 2022 route a lot. When it is taking a long time to load things, I pause the game and everything loads up pretty quickly.
I do the same to load up the content quickly. When I start driving sessions, I pause prior to running so the trains aren't buried in the ground or running on no track. To me this looks like the program is reading in the small data-segments from disk. Having a quick disk will really help but not all of us have those. I notice my large hard disk grinds away until the content is loaded.

I have found that some tracks load better than others. The old JR track from TS12 days loads great, but their later track, such as the JR US series, really is awful with track disappearing and then loading in chunks when moving the camera or in a locomotive. I noticed that this track also affects other splines such as roads. My current track of choice is Trainboi's pro-track. This loads well and doesn't seem to affect other splines.

In addition to the track change, I also found that setting the VSYNC to half instead of 60 HZ or none really made a difference.

With these changes, I've been able to load up my large route without too many issues. This route is a combination of 5m and 10 m grid with some parts dating back to early January 2004.

When I converted the route to HD to test it, the file-size blew up from 350 MB to about 2 TB. I have Plus installed on a 12 TB hard disk, but with routes that size, that's not a whole lot of routes or room for anything else.
I do the same to load up the content quickly. When I start driving sessions, I pause prior to running so the trains aren't buried in the ground or running on no track. To me this looks like the program is reading in the small data-segments from disk. Having a quick disk will really help but not all of us have those. I notice my large hard disk grinds away until the content is loaded.

I have found that some tracks load better than others. The old JR track from TS12 days loads great, but their later track, such as the JR US series, really is awful with track disappearing and then loading in chunks when moving the camera or in a locomotive. I noticed that this track also affects other splines such as roads. My current track of choice is Trainboi's pro-track. This loads well and doesn't seem to affect other splines.

In addition to the track change, I also found that setting the VSYNC to half instead of 60 HZ or none really made a difference.

With these changes, I've been able to load up my large route without too many issues. This route is a combination of 5m and 10 m grid with some parts dating back to early January 2004.

When I converted the route to HD to test it, the file-size blew up from 350 MB to about 2 TB. I have Plus installed on a 12 TB hard disk, but with routes that size, that's not a whole lot of routes or room for anything else.
I have been testing the UMR route. The route size I have when downloaded is about 584 MB. When I convert it to HD the size increases to 2.563 GB. I am not sure why yours is increasing to 2 TB. I changed both the ballast and the track before I converted the route to HD, and it runs fine.