Excited new things coming your way!!


More TO Explore
Hello my citizens!!!

Well 'tis the season of NEW items of whats to come beyond of your way. After me and my wife, Rei Hino had a romantic shopping together, It's the start of the holiday season, and we've got goodies of big news, just for you (from me at the Cherry Hill Temple)!

The first,

Metrolink Hyundai-Rotem Cab Car V2: IN THE WORKS

Since the first ever Hyundai-Rotem Bi-level was released 3 months ago, It went into a huge success of over 100+ downloads!!! Thank you so much for the downloading the rotems, supporting it's creation. Now, it's time to take it to the next level of what everyone is asking for: INTERIORS. We are now in the works of making the interiors on the 2nd version of the Hyundai-Rotem Bi-Level cars.





We were hard at work at the booleans to cut out the windows and doors to feature the animated doors, we are also planning to use the ARN syatem to do the running numbers but it is hard work. best to wait until the model is finished. we will also include the interior views so you can see the view and enjoy the ride along with it. This car will be release so stay tuned on this blog!

The second,

Holiday Season Treats

Tis the season for some holiday treats that we are releasing in Wensday and continues all of the week (until Dec. 25th). First up is the production of the snowman we are working on for the snowy days.


and finally,

Official AT Developer Page

We are now in the process of bringing the Developer page into our website to show off the beginners of what you can do to create your custom content. It will be a BETA and will go into public in the 1st Quarter of 2013.


Our work of progress. It will include tutorials, tips, and tricks from 3 currently used 3D programs: SketchUp, 3DS Max, & Blender. It will be in beta to everyone, BUT here's the catch, you will need to sign up as a AT User (in which you can for free) on my website located by clicking on my banner.

Well I guess that's it for now, so I'll see you, later. Got to do my holiday shoppin' with my love, Rei Hino.

From the Temple,