es44dc engine faulty jointed rail

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And i'm sick of your crap. You don't make two threads about the exact same subject. It's called spamming.

I gave you a response in my other thread, so i suggest you go read it.
hey jointed rail you need to fix the es44dc engine wont work in trainz 12 sp1 im sick of this crap.

Great attitude as always from you! How bout some more info on what isnt working. All i see is this thread and another one where 3 people tried to help you but you cant give any of us detail on the issue itself. We can't help you if you don't give any of us ANY detail on the problem. The assets work just fine in TS12 SP1 its not that they need to be fixed for TS12 have something else going on on YOUR install.

Okay, now I see this second thread, I call you out on this. It is your problem, not the Jointed Rail content problem. As indicated in the other thread, I have not run into a problem with them, installed and walked away with no problem. Try posting screenshots or copy and paste the error (text) and reply with that here or on your other rant thread. Or, are you just trolling, and throwing a fake hissy fit?

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