Engineer asleep at the controls?


Well-known member
AI stops - holds up traffic for no apparent reason, Stop Train, Resume Schedule, and off it goes.
Apart fom a lunch break built into the logic I can't fathom it out.
Is this one of those Tane bugs?
I have deducted an hour from Ami's pay :)
AI stops - holds up traffic for no apparent reason, Stop Train, Resume Schedule, and off it goes.
Apart fom a lunch break built into the logic I can't fathom it out.
Is this one of those Tane bugs?
I have deducted an hour from Ami's pay :)

I've had that happen too and even reported it as a bug.

Ami isn't the only one... It really messes up tram schedules on my Gloucester Electric.

Have you had drivers stop at a signal and sit there and not budge? The signal is red, but all following signals are showing proceed or caution, which means the AI could drive. Hovering over the signal next to the driver shows no train approaching and there's no train to been seen for miles except for the one that's stopped. The solution is to give the driver a nudge past the red light and he's on his merry way. The most frustrating thing is the signal setup will work for awhile then do this. I went through the trouble of rearranging signals and junctions because I thought there was something wrong. I then tested the tracks and found them working fine, which lead me to changing out a whole route. A bit later I've got the route up and running, and the drivers are sitting there again.

I reported this as a bug too. Hopefully this made it into the next HF, but I don't count on it...

I don't know if this would apply but I found that the directional marker ., pending its placement can alter a entire main line s direction and freeze signals from miles away...? Dave
I don't know if this would apply but I found that the directional marker ., pending its placement can alter a entire main line s direction and freeze signals from miles away...? Dave

I think you may have hit on something.
I don't know if this would apply but I found that the directional marker ., pending its placement can alter a entire main line s direction and freeze signals from miles away...? Dave


I think you are on to something here. I've noticed that myself in a few places. I wonder if this has something to do with the new Interlocking Tower logic that is now in the program. There were no problems like this before that was included in SP1.

Where have you found the optimal position of the directional marker to be? Before or after the signals? I find that placing the marker before the signals seems to work best.

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Deleting trackmarks resulted in chaos with consists reversing and attempting shortcuts, I'll await any further ideas.