Earthquakes and Trainz

If something were to hit my computer and take all my work I dont know what id do.

Mankind survived and thrived for many, many, many moons before computers were even thought of, and much as they are very nice and useful (and host a very nice simulator ;) ), they aren't essential. I'm sure you could find something to do. :p

Y'all down there in NZ stay safe.

I spent 6mths at Moffet Naval Base when we first got P3s back in 1966.
Didn't suffer from quakes, but I found spin doctors were wrong about it being fine all the time.
When I was courting my wife there I had to scrape ice off the windscreen, and it was often foggy in the morning.
We would call into Stanford shopping centre on the weekends, pick up some lunch and head for Half Moon Bay.
Ah! Them were the days.
Ian; See you liked the California sunshine too. P3's were a good plane. Flew A4's myself. Did you ever get a chance to do SP's Coast route?
Sorry to hear that you New Zealanders are going through earthquakes right now. I hope there isn't any flooding going on. ( I HATE FLOODWATER! [I also know how stressful it can be]) If an earthquake is anything like a hurricane, I know what you're going through, and it isn't pretty.
bit of a bump there.

btw earthquakes are def not like hurricanes. I know from rather, intense experience.

You were there when that huge earthquake hit? I hope everything is back to normal over there. (It takes forever for hurricane damage to be fixed)
yes. In fact it's impressive how everything has been fixed in a matter of just 3 years. You wouldn't be able to tell it happened in most areas unless you observed the heavily tilted and dead trees.
I am currently living in temporary accomodation while my house is being repaired as a result of the huge Feb 2011 earthquake and at least 10,000 aftershocks which occured over the following two years. I can honestly say I felt every one of them as mostly only 5 - 10km deep. While the experience was truly frightening, I am now finding dealing with the aftermath,i.e. Insurance companies and builders far more frightening and stessful - and I am one of the lucky ones at that ! I have continued with Trainz modelling while all this going on, as it helps releive the stress.
Cheers, Fender :)
Sorry to hear that, it's always stressful to go through a natural disaster. Everything gets wrecked and changed so much that one doesn't even recognise the place, also completely ruining daily routine. From a guy that doesn't like any sort of change in routine, I know what that's like.

Also, with the issue of builders, MAKE SURE THEY ARE LICENSED AND TRUSTWORTHY. After a big disaster is when fraud of that type spikes.
Scammers will use every oppertunity to use a disaster to their advantage.
It would be a good Idea if you get the Heck out of New Zealand as they will continue..your living on the edge of a Plate thats in motion.
You bumped this to tell someone to "move" ? How inconsiderate of someone homeland !

You can run ... but you can't hide ... a tornado, forest fire, or hurricane could come your way, at anytime.

Quick everybody ... Move away from the Earths tectonic plates ... Oh, that's right ... we all live on one that is moving ... and shale oil fracking in Tenn might cause an earthquake, right in your own backyard :o
This is for Everyone who Lives in the San Francisco Bay Area

I heard on the news about the magnitude 6 earthquake that happened in the area around Napa, California yesterday. How's everybody doing? Did any damage occur in the area?
Napa earthquake.

I live on an island in lower Puget Sound, Washington Stateand we have earthquakes almost every day, but 99% are in the 1 to 2.5 range andfairly deep so they are seldom felt. Still waiting for the big one.
I Also Imagine A 100ft Tidal Wave Caused By The Earthquake Hitting Your House. I'm Not Being Mean I'm Just Showing What Can Happen Next.
I need to converse with knowledgeable people in CA, Eastern,and Midwestern US States, about how full their drinking water reservoirs are in % of full.

I have heard that some CA reservoirs are less than 7% full, and drinkling water will be by store bought bottles of spring water, sinks will run dry, or be contaminated, boiling water will be insufficient means of purifying tap water, and toilets will not flush due to low water level.

I want everyone to look at their reservoir water level, or inform me of what percentage they are full.

This summers drought will surely cause drastic food price spikes, and the CA cantaloupe capitol of the US is now a just dust bowl, as all the crops failed, when the SP RR aqueduct was severed, after 150 years of a free agricultural water supply.

How full is your reservoir ?
Is this true, that lack of snow this winter has caused an early spring drought:





Livestock and feed prices will surely become astronomical due to low water supplies, gasoline prices will rise past $5.00 gal, $1.99 hamburger will soon be $5.00 lb ... shredded cheese previously $1.19 will be $4.00 lb ... all due to lack of snow melt runoff