Dustbin lorry / Trash cart availability ??


New member
Hello all,

I downloaded a couple of bin men created by euphod recently, but I have no vehicle to go with them on their rounds of collecting the rubbish. Does anyone know please if there is a Dustbin Lorry or Trash Cart anywhere on the DLS please.

Many thankz.

Thunderbird54321 has done a refuse collector.What you and I would call a Dustbin Lorry.Kuid number is 191576:2040:1
Should do the job.
Regards Bruce
Hi Bruce, I never thought of searching for the word "refuse"
I'm obviously not posh enough to know such words...:hehe:

Many thanks for that sir, you're a star.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman. :wave:

Try him, he has done loads of 'different' vehicles.

Not sure if it's alien3 or alian3, so try both.


Pleasure to have been of assistance Sir,anything else I can help you with?

Regards Bruce

Nothing further for the moment "young man", thank you for your kind assistance anyway....:hehe:

Thanks to Angela and Andy also, I have looked at alien3's creations, some of them are rather good, but alas, no dustbin lorry.....:'(

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.

Look for this kuid....

It's called 'Refuse'... just looked at it in my Trainz 04


I'd like to add my thanks also, I have been looking for the same.

I would never have thought of looking under refuse.
I have also found the same drawback while searching for other items, the same thing is called by a different names in different countries.

Maybe I should stop playing Trainz and get out more and learn about the world, aaah such is life.;)

Look for this kuid....

It's called 'Refuse'... just looked at it in my Trainz 04


Thanks Angela, but that is the one that Lacker pointed out to me a little further down the thread......:hehe:

I've also tried a few 3rd Party sites, but it looks as though that asset is the only one in the world....

Cheerz. ex.
Rubbish truck

Thanks Angela, but that is the one that Lacker pointed out to me a little further down the thread......:hehe:

I've also tried a few 3rd Party sites, but it looks as though that asset is the only one in the world....

Hello Ex....
Yes, that is the only one so get it and enjoy it. The model looks very much like the ones we get around here on west London so is a British job.
