driver list


New member
On the left side of the screen in Driver mode is 7 icons of driver and arrows. I wish to see 16 at once (of course when the trains are active). How to do this
and how to resize the icons to be a little smaller.

thank you for the answer.
Hi Celje

Sorry I don't think it's possible to see that many drivers at once.
You have to click on the bottom arrow that shows above your driver list and the other drivers will show up ok. Try this out and see if it helps.

Driver list = consist

On the left side of the screen in Driver mode is 7 icons of driver and arrows. I wish to see 16 at once (of course when the trains are active). How to do this
and how to resize the icons to be a little smaller.

thank you for the answer.
In my opinion it would be better if the chosen lead locomotive where indicated there, not a driver. I always list the name as the train (consist} name to see where everything is in map view. This could be done just like the automatic thumbnail in DLS (same scripting).
On the left side of the screen in Driver mode is 7 icons of driver and arrows. I wish to see 16 at once (of course when the trains are active). How to do this
and how to resize the icons to be a little smaller.

thank you for the answer.

Hello Celje......

I dont have the answer, but I had a similar question a few months back. I had never had more than 7 drivers because of what the Trainz Manual said in section 9.4, which stated that you can have "UP TO SEVEN" drivers. I kept reading posts of members with 15, 20 drivers. I asked how was that possible. I was told to just ADD THEM !!! Lo and behold, more than 7 are easily done.

I can only guess that Trainz ( TRS2004 ) was originally limited to seven, and the design chosen for the driver screen listed seven. The screen itself is probably "hard-coded for only 7 faces", even though more can be used. But as stated before, I just scroll down for the additional drivers. I know this isn't helping your concern.:confused: Maybe it is possible to "tweak" the code.:hehe:
Be for warned that adding MORE than seven drivers will really start to slow down your frame rate.:( This is because (I have been told) that the computer must keep up with all the consists and stuff running all at one time. I have eight drivers on my route (down from eleven) just because of that and my frame rate is still too slow for my tastes. But that's just one thing we have to put up with when playing TRAINZ. Frame rates are a big problem. I wish everything was just smooth as glass and I'd enjoy the game a lot more.;)
Hello Celje......

I had never had more than 7 drivers because of what the Trainz Manual said in section 9.4

I can only guess that Trainz ( TRS2004 ) was originally limited to seven, and the design chosen for the driver screen listed seven.:hehe:

Thank you manjoe.
Yes, the driver list show 7 driver, but show also buttons for the next "page" where you can see another group of drivers. Don't forget, using only one portal with the frequency every 5 minut...........Why is interesting to see all drivers at once? You know that beside driver name is another icon which show where the train is at this moment and this is very importent for examined the route.

Thank you davesnow
You are right, frames are the big problem in TRS. I use betwen 10-14 trains and the frames are acceptable.

still waiting for technical advice
I always list the name as the train (consist} name to see where everything is in map view.

There does seem to be no limit on the number of consists and their drivers. But only up to seven will they respond to Ctrl-n. Great idea to give the drivers and consists just (small) numbers to reduce the clutter on the map.
I don't think you can change it from only seeing 7 at one time. On one of my routes I have 47 drivers, some doubling up with different names.
It does not affect my frame rate or smoothness of the game BUT that is I think because I have a very powerful system dedicated to playing Trainz only.
When I think of the many thousands of pounds I used to spend each year on my model railway my computer system works out to be really good value.
I don't think you can change it from only seeing 7 at one time. On one of my routes I have 47 drivers, some doubling up with different names.
It does not affect my frame rate or smoothness of the game BUT that is I think because I have a very powerful system dedicated to playing Trainz only.
When I think of the many thousands of pounds I used to spend each year on my model railway my computer system works out to be really good value.

Gee PJ, do you remember all 47 names???:hehe: :hehe:
manjoe, drivers names are not problem because you can change them with the name of cargo on the train (coal,goods,wheat...)

Sorry to be slow, but could you give precise instructions as to how to change a driver name? For my UK layout if would be great if I could use train reporting numbers, eg. '1Z34' rather than 'Adair' etc. :o
Sorry to be slow, but could you give precise instructions as to how to change a driver name? For my UK layout if would be great if I could use train reporting numbers, eg. '1Z34' rather than 'Adair' etc. :o

Oh Paulsw, Paulsw

In surveyor, >edit session, >driver setup, >edit, >on the name of of the driver and this open the window Rename driver

>= click
:o actually, as soon as I looked, I realised how to do it! apologies.

Here's a related query. If for any reason your train loses its driver during a session, I assume that means curtains for your train? ie. without a driver you can't issue drive commands and you can't introduce a driver to a train in the middle of a session? It's amazing how much I (haven't) learned about driver since I started TRS two years ago! :confused:
I saw another thread where mr. Yeomans answered the question in 6 minutes.Is it possible that he answer on my question too. I'm waitin from 24.9.07
