Downloading Multiplayer assets


New member
1. Why does it take a LOT of time to download the assets in order play MP sessions in T2012? when I say a LOT it means mora than 20 minutes ...

And it seems that we stratind allover again to download assets again and again.

2. Why can't we use a default rout / session (in T2012) as a MP route / session? It should be easier ...
1. Why does it take a LOT of time to download the assets in order play MP sessions in T2012? when I say a LOT it means mora than 20 minutes ...
Probably because you do not have a FCT?
I made it a habit to first download the session and route in Content Manager before even trying to join a session.

Note sure what you mean with question 2. You can use built-in routes for making multiplayer sessions and some routes even have a built-in multiplayer session.

I do notice you have TS2010 as your latest Trainz version. MP was only beta in that. If you have TS12 but not registered, that might also cause problems.
I'll try to do both: download a route / session for MP first and then try to join to a MP session. And try to pick a default session fr a MP session as a host (?).

Yes, I have T2012 and it regiestered. (I don't know why it doesn't appear the T2012 on my "top signature".
