Doctor Who Season Finalie - Lots of Questions, Zero Answers


33 Year Old Railfan
So I just watched the season finale of Doctor Who, and I'm left with a lot of questions.
1. Is Clara dead or alive?
2. Is Clara or Ashilda a Time Lord in disguise? What made me think of this is:
A. Ashilda's immortal, and she was brought back to life with Time Lord technology anyway.
B. Clara is very good piloting a TARDIS, and has been with two Doctors, so she's got some knowledge about other dimensions and alien species.
Anybody got answers or more questions?
So I just watched the season finale of Doctor Who, and I'm left with a lot of questions.
1. Is Clara dead or alive?
2. Is Clara or Ashilda a Time Lord in disguise? What made me think of this is:
A. Ashilda's immortal, and she was brought back to life with Time Lord technology anyway.
B. Clara is very good piloting a TARDIS, and has been with two Doctors, so she's got some knowledge about other dimensions and alien species.
Anybody got answers or more questions?

If you'd been paying attention for the last three years you would know the answers...

Clara is (sort of) alive for now, but can't escape her inevitable demise. Both Clara and Ashilda/Me are definitely human. Ashilda was brought back to life with Mire technology, not Timelord. Clara can't fly the TARDIS (at least not without a lot of help from the Doctor).
Threads on this part of the forum are getting less and less relevant to Trainz...perhaps it's time to create a new "General Chat" forum or something like that.
Having said that...I did watch the Doctor Who season finale (all three parts) and I found it a very deep, intelligent and moving piece of television. The show has matured a lot since Peter Capaldi became the Doctor.
To answer your questions-
1. From where I see it, Clara isn't dead. Yet. Her bodily processes are frozen at the moment she was plucked from before the moment of her death by the Time Lords. She can go back to Gallifrey and face her death any time she likes, though I suspect she won't for a long, long time...
2. Clara is definitely not a Time Lord. I seem to remember a couple of series ago we saw her as a child and as a baby, on Earth, so no. She will have picked up how to fly the TARDIS from watching the Doctor. Not sure about Ashilda, could be, but I think that would just making things complicated for the sake of making things complicated.

Oh and I just want to say to anybody that thinks Doctor Who is a "kid's show", go and watch the second part of the finale, Heaven Sent. That was disturbing on so many levels.
I enjoyed it. Peter Capaldi's really got into the role now and it's nice to have a Doctor who's older than I am! Is he channelling a bit of Jon Pertwee at the moment? (velvet jackets and stuff) That was my second Doctor (after Patrick Troughton) and I still remember him fondly.

Totally off topic!

I'd like you to imagine a scene. You and a friend are having a conversation about, say Trainz. A stranger pokes his (or her) head into your conversation and says they have never used Trainz. I'd guess most people would regard that as 'odd', interrupting a conversation to add nothing at all to it.

And yet that happens on forums all the time.
I enjoyed it. Peter Capaldi's really got into the role now and it's nice to have a Doctor who's older than I am! Is he channelling a bit of Jon Pertwee at the moment? (velvet jackets and stuff) That was my second Doctor (after Patrick Troughton) and I still remember him fondly.


Is Capaldi quitting the role? Maybe the Doctor's due for another re-skin! (Sorry, a very tenuous link to Trainz)

Here's a Trainz connection!

Two members of the "Companion Class" at work. Clara arrives with a passenger train, whilst Amelia shunts on an adjacent line.
