Dock and Port screenshots


Oct 01 Ver 1.1 owner
Post your Dock and Port screenshots here Trainz working around the Harbour....
Balboa and Gatto American class subs resuplying at the Dock.

Arhh Ishie thanks for bumping this old post up again doesnt seem to be many interested in Docks and Ports around here these days Lol Their Loss............Lol......C17 713 loads up Whecsailors Tramp Steamer in Nort Queensland ready to send her back accross the Pacific to her home port at Whec's PC...........................

Most of the Crew are back on board after a Big night at the local PUB!!​
Heres a shot of the entrance to Sunderland South Dock - still very much WIP.The docks are so huge that even with DD set to max the distance isn"t drawn.:o