DLS Download Time


New member
Hi Folks,

I am brand new here. I'm in Colorado USA and got TRS2006 for Christmas (at my request). So I am new to all of this stuff. I'm a computer/Systems guy by trade, so have it installed and been through a Lot of routes, tutorials, etc. and flat loving this thing.

I have a lot of questions, but my first one is How long should the downloads take?

I have fired up the CMP, found a Route/Section item to download. It is in the Download Helper action menu and have started the download. But it is taking forever. It is a 106MB+ file, getting 13KBps DL speed and should take 2.3+ hours. Is that correct?

My Big Question/Concern is - Is there any way to track the download progress? There does not appear to be a progress 'Thermometer' bar displayed - I have no idea what the status of this download is. I have bagged it a couple of times and did other things, but on resumption - it does appear to be continuing on its dowload way. (I have ZoneAlarm Firewall installed which presents an Up/Down indicator)

I do have a FCT, but have not activated it yet until I get a better handle on this download business, and what the Heck I'm doing.

So, bottom line - anyway to track the completion of the download?

Thanks to all in advance -
Rick (or should I say SubDude :-))
In CMP, you see that blue bar that moves across over the name of the asset? That's the progress for that asset. As for it in all, the more it goes down list / the closer it gets to the bottom, the more progress it has made with downloading it all.

Downloading content is by default limited to 4KBPS. Getting an FCT makes the speed unlimited, and gets rid of the 100MB a day limit.

Cheers and welcome to the wonderful world of Trainz! :wave::cool:

Lo_Poly -

Thanks so much for the quick reply. Now I see it and it makes perfect sense.
I think my best bet at this point is to activate my FCTicket. I'm not very proficient at calculating download times, but my effort is proving I'm way off base.

I'm also trying to learn this forum structure/procedure/ etc. so this may not be the perfect response. Sorry to anyone, if this is inadequate - I'm sure I'll hear about it.

Again, Thanks.
Lo_Poly -

Thanks so much for the quick reply. Now I see it and it makes perfect sense.
I think my best bet at this point is to activate my FCTicket. I'm not very proficient at calculating download times, but my effort is proving I'm way off base.

I'm also trying to learn this forum structure/procedure/ etc. so this may not be the perfect response. Sorry to anyone, if this is inadequate - I'm sure I'll hear about it.

Again, Thanks.

It's fine. :)

And may I mention, it would be best to try and download via CMP. Although, if you want something by region, you'll need to do it via the online download station.

Also, only activate that FCT if you plan on downloading a bunch (unless it's longer than 30 days ;)).

Be aware that activation of an FCT takes up to 24 hours, maybe longer while Auran staff away on xmas break. It will solve the problem, as the non-FCT downloading is on a limited bandwith that you share with anyone else online...
I wouldn't expect the ticket to take too long to activate....it can take up to 24 hours, or sometimes more, but every ticket I've ever activated was ready to go within maybe an hour and a half of activating them. My last one (purchased Dec 10th) had already kicked in by the time I opened CMP right after activating it.
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I just now went ahead and activated my FCT. I started my download yesterday on the free DLS, using CMP, but it died due to 'over my 100MB/day limit'. I resumed it this afternoon - and it exhausted it's daily ration.

I want to mention, that it was Almost Instantaneous for the activation to occur. I activated and went and tended to some other things for a few minutes, returned, and checked CMP - 30 Days Jerry! so I don't know how long exactly it took, but only minutes.

Now, I'm not sure where this DL server is, but it appears the new day starts around 3pm my time? I'll have to check a GMT table and see.

Anyway, I went ahead and turned the FCT on and am downloading away. I don't see any improvement in speed/throughput, but at least I have 30 days to get it accomplished.

And I see that it is only about $10/year for a FCT? The cost structure kind of struck me as odd - but what the hey - $10 - I'll do that!

Thanks to all.
Pretty much everything Auran (Trainz) related is in Australia so that's where the time difference comes in. Welcome to Trainz and feel free to ask away for any questions you may have. 1500 your time is 1700 my time which makes it 0630 the next day in Australia.

Your speed should have picked up though. It could be that your ticket shows activation, but your speed may trail by 24-hours or so.

100 mb a day is not FCT, that's the non FCT limit. Be patient, and it will be faster.!

I thought the download server was in the US, even though the rest is in Oz?

PS Give my regards to the Big Boy in the Fourney museum if you get into Denver (I know it's moved since), was there 20 years ago, seems like yesterday (not least that my wife had found out she was pregnant with my first child when I got back to UK so that was a very significant week)! (I do regret not having had time to visit the railway museums proper, or the narrow gauge sites, but did do the Zephyr trip to San Francisco & back).
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