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DLRR : NEW PICS of new engine

I reskined the general engine and made a disney engine.

I PRESENT THE Robert A. Iger

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Hey Disney uses 36' guage cars. Why not use bdaneals 4-4-0's, 2-6-0's and prowlers 4-6-0. For cars you could use bendorsey's ones.
Something not mentioned above.

If you are not the original creator for these models, you have to get permission from the author to redistribute the reskinned models. You can reskin anything for personal use. You just can't make them available for anyone else without permission.

Then by all means, I can't wait to get my copy. I love the General type locos. I have the originals and like your reskins very much.

I contacted the maker of the general engine and he was kind enough to take off the general nameplate.

We are working on this together
The Civil War General is sure not my first choice for a Disneyland engine, I would have rather preferred to use Ben's Reno or Genoa models, though I think his Eureka and D&RGW 4-4-0's are paticularly likened to the Disneyland Engines. Maybe you should consider them!:cool: