CSX trainz


New member
Anybody know a good place to find csx engines, Spicifically
Sd70ace,SD70m,sd60i etc. and some good interiors:D
There are some SD70's up for grabs on http://www.worldoftrainz.com/
but they are all payware and I'm unsure if they are in the CSX livery.
There is word of Sureshot building a CSX SD70ACe I think it is, but it won't be finished for a while, check out Frank McCall's website on

To be honest I think it is a case of look at all American 3rd Party websites for specific CSX locos, as most of the ones I've downloaded from cover all major American railroad companies and CSX stuff are mainly Geeps, Dash 9's and SD40's, etc.

Cheerz. ex. :wave:
CSX SD70ACes? They've already been done. I have them, but i dont know if i can send them.
CSX SD70ACE in weathered and un-weathered versions were done by Sureshot28 on Sporbust's mesh. Pretty sure these locos are currently unavailable....

...forget the appologies...

8)...All SD70's, have a WhisperCab, as default, in fact, anything else, costs money, and is not current.

I'd collect aluminum, or copper, to have a World of Trainz addition, to my "frequent flyer miles!"
Sureshot's CSX reskin of Frank's SD70ACe is now available from Checkrail.com - click here.

The download does NOT include any dependencies, AFAIK everything required is available either from the DLS or from other similar locos at TrainStation.

If anything is particularly elusive let me know and I will chase it down...

Andy ;)
I'm glad I grabbed all of Frank's stuff off of ustrainz and the DLS when he was threatening to remove it all.