Content Manager

Hey all.

How do I override the "100MB quota" thing?

I've been able to before, but I can't exactly remember what I did to override it.
Your last download before reaching the 100mb daily limit will decide how far over the limit you will go.

So if you are at 99mb and download a 50mb asset, you will reach 149mb.
Write your own downloader that issues download commands to TrainzUtil. See:

In addition to what BuilderBob has said above, I also have a blog entry with a couple of examples of how to enter it at

Also, be aware that if you are using Windows Vista or later, you may need to run any custom program you make as administrator.

Your last download before reaching the 100mb daily limit will decide how far over the limit you will go.

So if you are at 99mb and download a 50mb asset, you will reach 149mb.

You could ask people to make stuff with "dependencies" that are actually just other assets so that you could download more than the limit.
You could ask people to make stuff with "dependencies" that are actually just other assets so that you could download more than the limit.
O hell please do not do that.
That way people will download all kind of stuff that you consider "useful" but others consider pure junk.

I doubt it even works though.

An easy solution is to "just" get a FCT. This will remove your daily limit. Also ups your download speed.
An easy solution is to "just" get a FCT. This will remove your daily limit. Also ups your download speed.

That's fine if you use it regularly but it is impractical (and very expensive) if only required occasionally. For instance, if there is some download volume left at the end of the month and it has to be used over a few days and you want to use it to get some more content. The speed doesn't matter, but the 100mb limit means your download stops in the middle of the night and you end up with leftover allowance!
O hell please do not do that.
That way people will download all kind of stuff that you consider "useful" but others consider pure junk.

I doubt it even works though.

An easy solution is to "just" get a FCT. This will remove your daily limit. Also ups your download speed.

I was mainly kidding.