Content Manager and Updates for trainz productes


New member
I have the registered version of trainz world builder and Engineers Edition. I fount the content manager and wanted to update my games and download content for it. How ever I can't log in for some reason using the content manager. or can I download any thing. I wanted to update the content manager and didn't find any thing.

I have version 3.3 Build 49933. and I'm sure, that more then likely there is an update for this software. I wanted to use it to keep my game updated all so.
Does some one have the link for the newer version of content manager. and updates for the 2 games.


PS Happy new year to every one.

I suspect you haven't properly registered the serial number of your copy of Trainz yet. If you had, then you would be seeing "TS2010" as one of the branches in the track icon next to iceman11a at the top of your forum post.

I assume you have registered an account on My Trainz (otherwise you wouldn't have a forum/user nickname) but you also need to;

- open the My Trainz page
- click the "serial number" link to open the submission form
- type in your product's 24-character serial number
- click the Submit button

~ Deane
Thanks for the reply, How ever I have all ready down that. Sorry I don't see that at the top where my name is. How ever I do see where it should be. So I have no idea why this doesn't work. I registered 2 Trainz games and use 2 serial numbers. and it says that both are registered. If you have an idea why this doesn't work, Let me know.


Update: I wanted to let you know that after playing around with this. I fount out that the contact manager is missing my User ID number, when I tried to type it in. It won't let me. So I have no idea. And from this DVD's I have on the serial numbers, This is what I have and installed on my PC.

2009 World Builder
2010 Engineers Edition

when I run the game, It says I have Trainz Simulator 2010 build 49933

and these 2 files don't exist on my pc "Register User ID" or run the file 'EditKUID.exe'.

ok, So some one will have to tell me what to do.
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I hear your calling there Deane.

That's an interesting problem there. It looks like the usual serial registration not appearing on timeline issue has crept up again so a ticket needs to be raised with N3V's Helpdesk regarding that.

Regarding the User ID number, this is added automatically by Trainz once you have entered your username and password in the boxes under either the Internet tab in Content Manager or the Planet Auran tab in the Options box (Options is available on the Launcher, although it may be called Configure Trainz).

If you haven't already, you will need to enter your serial number in the Trainz Options/Configure Trainz box - you may need to click Add for it to add it to the list.

One other thing - if you are running Windows Vista or later you may need to run Trainz as administrator for it to remember your settings. The way I normally do this is right-clicking the Trainz shortcut, then clicking Properties, then clicking Compatibility, then ticking the 'run this program as administrator' box then clicking OK. If done correctly it will trigger a User Account Control box when you open the game - click Continue or Yes to proceed (depending on version).

I do help where I can nowadays and will impart my knowledge where I can as well. Hopefully it fixes the OP's problem - if not, then I've got a feeling I know where the problem may lie and it's likely to need a reinstall if so.

Looking at the join date of the OP as in today! I would say he is not using the same user ID as he does for Trainz, needs to be the same for purchase, forum and game.
That's another possibility, which is one reason why he needs to contact N3V's Helpdesk regarding that as they may need to merge his accounts.

Hi! Guys, I fount the problem with the content manager. I had a space or some thing in my password. When I enter it right. It let me log in. Now that I'm logged it. It doesn't seem to let me download. How ever I still don't see the TZ2010 next to my name above, So I'll have to contact the support for that.
Is it giving you any error messages at the bottom? Be aware as well that for versions earlier than Trainz Simulator 12 you will also need a First Class Ticket (which costs extra and lasts for a specific length depending on which one you buy) in order to download.

One other thing to check is that you haven't got two accounts registered - you only need one for both here and for Trainz itself (if you have got more than one you will need to mention this in your helpdesk ticket and include the other username so they can merge the accounts).

Thanks for the info, No errors at the bottom what I see. and as for the 1st class ticket. That's wrong, charging some downloading content. If I have to spend any more money on this game. I'll delete my accounts here and send the software back. Spending money over and over again to play a game is nuts.
Thanks and no thanks. I see my software expired a while ago and if I have to keep spending money on this game. It won't happen. That just a way to steel money from consumers like me and you. I can see where the support would end for games. How ever you shouldn't forget them. They should be able to download a IOS for updates and any content they need to they can still play the game. Sense I have to pay using your game (Witch is dumb) Please just delete my account and remove my serial numbers all so.

Thank you for your replies.

PS> I forgot to tell you that I see that the content manager is locking up for some reason, when I try and don't load any content.
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Before you press the delete button, there are other ways to obtain content. You may still download via the online (web-based) DLS using FTP. This means clicking on the individual items and saving them separately to a folder then importing them in using Content Manager. In addition to the DLS there are numerous third-party website which offer content that you can use as well.

Now, the FCT is not such a bad thing. Even those of us who have the latest version of Trainz use that as it gives full access with unlimited downloads. Without the FCT, you are limited to 4kb speeds and only 100MB per day, while an FCT gives you the highest speed possible and unlimited downloads.

As far as the cost is concerned, it is only about $24 per year and is not product specific so if you happened to upgrade to TS12 you can then continue to use the same FCT.

I agree that this is not the best scenario, but N3V like many companies cannot support older versions due to their limited staff. Up until 2010, they supported every version of Trainz ever made, but in order to focus on the new products and support for them, they had to give that up.

I'm not saying this to defend N3V; I am saying this with experience. I worked for Polaroid and then a spin-off of there's for 11 years. We had four product lines with one product being dissimilar to the others and always the one with the most problems. When markets changed, it was decided to retire that and some of the oldest products from fulltime support. For those people who wished for old-product support, they were required to purchase a substantial service contract, and pay for phone support while those with current products were given free phone support but purchased a discounted service contract.

Anyway, welcome to Trainz.

John, Thanks. the problem is that I'm not going to know what to download using the FTP or the web site. Do you have a video to show me how to do this. How do I know I'm downloading the right content. As for the 1st class ticket. They are not $24, but they are $34.99 per year. Your just a little out of date there, For me that's too much. I don't like the idea that I have to pay for this game every year. That just dumb in general and a lot of people would agree with me.

See I'm disabled. This means that because of a work related injury I can't work any more. It all means I'm on a limited income. See I got this game from for $12.00 and that I can a ford. I just didn't know that I would have to pay for this software every year. If the price was $20 a year then more then likely I won't mind spending the money. That's just way too much.

any way if you can come up with an idea that I can download the content. Please send me a link for the TS2010 patches and updated content.
Thanks and I'll try the FTP after I post this message.

John, Thanks. the problem is that I'm not going to know what to download using the FTP or the web site. Do you have a video to show me how to do this. How do I know I'm downloading the right content. As for the 1st class ticket. They are not $24, but they are $34.99 per year. Your just a little out of date there, For me that's too much. I don't like the idea that I have to pay for this game every year. That just dumb in general and a lot of people would agree with me.

See I'm disabled. This means that because of a work related injury I can't work any more. It all means I'm on a limited income. See I got this game from for $12.00 and that I can a ford. I just didn't know that I would have to pay for this software every year. If the price was $20 a year then more then likely I won't mind spending the money. That's just way too much.

any way if you can come up with an idea that I can download the content. Please send me a link for the TS2010 patches and updated content.
Thanks and I'll try the FTP after I post this message.


Hi Joe,

The price shown is Australian dollars. The actual cost is $25.00 according to so I was off by a dollar in my rough estimate in my head. I should have clarified in the first place. :)
34.99 AUD = 25.5514 USD
Australian Dollar ↔ US Dollar
1 AUD = 0.730250 USD 1 USD = 1.36939 AUD

I understand on the limited income as I am disabled too and living on SSD and LTD insurance payout. You can get various levels of an FCT so you don't need to purchase a full annual subscription. I happened to have purchased a lifetime ticket that's no longer available quite a number of years ago while I had a fulltime job. Unfortunately, it is what it is with older versions, and no I don't agree with the policy but they own the shop so to speak and if we don't like it we can leave. The only thing is once you get into the program in detail, you don't want to leave and I've been here 12 years now!

Downloading content is easy... see the website here:

You need to sign in using the same login you have used to access the forums.

Check the box for your version and below, meaning TS2010 and all below so that it limits the choice to your version.

There are various categories to choose from such as trains, interactive industries, routes, and so on. You may see something you like and then click on the download page. I like the buildings and scenery items mostly because I like route building more than train driving, so I've spent most of my time downloading this stuff along with trackside items which include signals, bridge abutments, and so on.

You click on download via FTP and from there you save the CDP (Content Manager compressed file), which you then open up in Content Manager afterwards either by dragging the CDP file in or by using file open on the file menu.

That should be it, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask as we're more than willing to help.

Thanks for your under standing. That makes me feel better when I see that I'm not a lone. How ever I'm limited on what I can spend on games. and it won't be until later on this year before I can buy a ticket.

I have TS2010 Build 49933, Are there any patches for this. Any updates for this build. Sorry I can't seem to find the version number for this game. I wanted to make sure it was updated to the newest version.

2nd thing. Do you have a list of content, A small list. of what would be a good content for me to add and play with.
Last thing, do you know where I can find some videos showing me how to use. Start and setup this game. I just don't under stand how to start or what to do.

Thanks for your under standing. That makes me feel better when I see that I'm not a lone. How ever I'm limited on what I can spend on games. and it won't be until later on this year before I can buy a ticket.

I have TS2010 Build 49933, Are there any patches for this. Any updates for this build. Sorry I can't seem to find the version number for this game. I wanted to make sure it was updated to the newest version.

2nd thing. Do you have a list of content, A small list. of what would be a good content for me to add and play with.
Last thing, do you know where I can find some videos showing me how to use. Start and setup this game. I just don't under stand how to start or what to do.


Hi Joe,

We will help you all along the way here the best we can so don't feel like you're on an island. I too worked for many years only to suddenly find myself fighting for income in September 2012 when my manager was going to fire me due to "lack of production", meaning I could no longer support nearly 700 people myself plus the 30 field people and I had 55 open tickets in my work queue. The gall here is out of the 55 tickets 49 of them were there because I had users put them in to cover things like a mouse replacement, or a phone headset needed. It's along story here, but I spoke with HR and so did he, and he lost the battle. He was so nice to me the day I left, he acted like he knew me from kindergarten.

Anyway, there are patches. The best one for that is Shane Turner's website link. He has links to the various patches available for your version, which is found on your launcher screen. For TS2010, the highest I recommend is SP3 since SP4 was for multiplayer unless you want to do that, and you lose the compatibility mode with that change. On his website, he'll point out which patch will bring you up to where.

At any rate, there are some YouTube videos on how to use Trainz.

Another good source is here, and written by a Trainzer local to me. He even consulted me on some of the information here on his still to be finished Wikibook:

The program is essentially divided in to sections or modules, loosely connected together. Surveyor is used to build and modify routes with Driver used to run them. In your version, you can take one of the built-in routes and modify it for your own use, such as adding in extra sidings, and even expanding them in any way you wish. You'll probably find this aspect to be extremely rewarding as you fiddle with things in the same way as you would a basement full of a model railroad.

When I started 12 years ago now, almost to the day, I opened up a built-in route and saw how the author build things. There were things I didn't like and there were things I did. I then downloaded a small route by someone and took that apart as well. I then added some extra track and drove around it. Way cool! :D After that I set out on building my dream route - one that was based on a model railroad theme I had started a decade before that but never got to complete. This dream layout is now 12 years old and is 190 miles long, or thereabouts. Sections have been rebuilt, others deleted, but the core of the route is still there and will probably be rebuilt at some point. And yes, I have imported it all the way into T:ANE with minimal issues.

So for starters, I recommend taking one of the built-in routes, pick one you like and poke around it in Surveyor. There are all kinds of things you can do right in the game without downloading anything - there are about 7,800 assets there alone should you want to try building something. If you want to venture on to the DLS, there are some older routes you might like including The Loops by George Fisher and many others. His Indiana and Western (I think that what it's called) is nice to drive too. With these routes, you may have to do some asset hunting and downloading, but we can help you there. There are really, so many routes up on the DLS, that you can spend hours upon hours hunting and finding stuff, and then end up with 175,000 assets like I have on my hard drive and 680GB of hard drive taken up by Trainz stuff alone! :D

Anyway I hope this gets you going and feel free to ask questions.
