Common Data Library - update?


Well-known member
I see "Newer Version available" for the Common Data Library. The title Common Data Library sounds ominous. Should I update and risk total disaster, or just ignore?
I have <kuid2:61392:4000:32> Common data library as built-in in TRS19 SP5 Platinum and <kuid2:61392:4050:67> Common data library V3 (TRS19 SP4 and later) installed from DLS. As far as I know it hasn't caused any problems. They are all authored by pguy, and the description just says "Common data to include in other assets". It looks like :32 was the last version :4000 without a version number, uploaded 31-DEC-2016.

The oldest version of 4050 V2 is an upload from 17-FEB-2017. There are a lot of unknown versions, but V2 appears to go up to :60 on 08-May-2021
4050 V3 started with :61 on 14-NOV-2021. Everything now lists as obsolete except V3 :67.

Common Data Library (either <kuid2:61392:4000:XX> for Trainz versions before Tane or <kuid2:61392:4050:YY> for Trainz versions Tane TRS19 TRS22) is a a utility library where is grouped many common subroutines used by most of my assets EIT (Enhanced Interlocking Towers) MCM (Mission Code Manager) STT (Stops and TimeTables) QPM (Quick Portal Manager) … Updates to this library is done either for fixing a bug (not very frequent) or for adding some new common subroutines for a new version of one of my asset (Happens more often).
As this library is used only by most of my assets and very rarely by some other users assets, there is no need to update to a new available version. The update will automatically happen when you will install or update one of my assets needing the last version of the common library.

So my recommandation is to ignore and let the system do the update when it will need it.

May be I should rename this asset as « Common Private Library » to be more explicit that it is mostly used only by my assets. I am aware of only 2 or 3 other scripters who have asked me permission to reuse some of these common subroutines instead of developping their own versions.

Hope this helps.

Pierre. (61392)