College Student Falls Asleep on Train, Wakes up to an Empty Car


33 Year Old Railfan
September 8th, 2017

NEWARK, N.J. — A college student who was evacuated from her campus in Florida woke up on an empty commuter train in New Jersey this week, news agency reports.

Claire Connelly of Highlands, N.J., was just trying to get home to her parents after her Florida college closed its doors in advance of Hurricane Irma. According to the article, Connelly fell asleep on the train while studying biology cards, and when she woke up, everyone was gone.

As what any college student would do in the unusual situation, Connelly filmed her experience and posted it to Twitter.

“I literally just fell asleep on my train. I’m on a train. There is no one on,” the student says.

Connelly tried screaming for help, but no one answered. She then called 911 and was shortly thereafter assisted by police officers – and her parents.

A NJ Transit representative tried to figure out what train Connelly was on by responding to her Twitter post, but by that time, she was already rescued.

It was not until after the rescue that she realized she was on the wrong train. According to the article, Connelly was supposed to be on a North Jersey Coast Line train for Middletown, but she was actually on a Raritan Valley Line train.

A NJ Transit representative says the incident is extremely rare, noting that conductors are supposed to check the train for passengers.

The agency is currently investigating the incident.

As for Connelly, she says she’s too horrified to travel by rail again.

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"As for Connelly, she says she’s too horrified to travel by rail again."

Really? That's like saying "this one time I saw a spider outside, so I just wont go out there anymore." :eek:
Typical 'Non-Story' about a sensationalising brain dead teenager, who should never ever be allowed out on their own again. :o
Typical 'Non-Story' about a sensationalising brain dead teenager, who should never ever be allowed out on their own again. :o

Yup Well said. as usual Blackwatch.

"As for Connelly, she says she’s too horrified to travel by rail again."
Really? That's like saying "this one time I saw a spider outside, so I just wont go out there anymore." :eek:

If this was a bus:

1) The news media would ignore the issue completely, or there would have been a tiny blurb on page 86, next to the legal notices, and about 4 point type if it was in a newspaper. The daily news broadcast on TV would be a 2-second mention.

2) If it was a bus, she would laugh it off and ride again as though nothing happened.

But... It was a train, therefore:

1) The news media need to make a headline out of it to turn the railroad operating company into a ridiculed mess, which will bring on investigations, etc.
2) The girl is "scared to death" and now damaged by the train and, therefore, will never ride again.
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If this was a bus:

1) The news media would ignore the issue completely, or there would have been a tiny blurb on page 86, next to the legal notices, and about 4 point type if it was in a newspaper. The daily news broadcast on TV would be a 2-second mention.

2) If it was a bugs, she would laugh it off and ride again as though nothing happened.

That happened to me. I was on a 5-day school trip to Washington, D.C. back in 8th grade (fall 2003-spring 2004). We had left the hotel we were staying at on the charter bus (which had a small restroom on board, thank goodness) that was chartered for our trip headed to Arlington National Cemetery for a tour of the place. I fell asleep on the bus and when I woke up, me, our teacher, and the bus driver were the only people on the bus. I ended up walking around the Cemetery, asking people if they saw a large group of people my age. After spending who knows how long wondering about, I managed to find everyone else either not long before they headed off to, or were already at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider.
That happened to me. I was on a 5-day school trip to Washington, D.C. back in 8th grade (fall 2003-spring 2004). We had left the hotel we were staying at on the charter bus (which had a small restroom on board, thank goodness) that was chartered for our trip headed to Arlington National Cemetery for a tour of the place. I fell asleep on the bus and when I woke up, me, our teacher, and the bus driver were the only people on the bus. I ended up walking around the Cemetery, asking people if they saw a large group of people my age. After spending who knows how long wondering about, I managed to find everyone else either not long before they headed off to, or were already at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider.

Wow! But... I'm sure you rode on other charter buses afterwards. :)
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Wow! But... I'm sure you road on other charter buses afterwards. :)
Its like saying, I saw a train derail, I will never go near one again.

LIKE SERIOUSLY!?!? You don't wanna ride trains again cause it was your fault you fell asleep. Maybe you should have stayed awake. And, the conductor probably said **** it and did not check the train.

For example,
"I saw a rattlesnake in our yard, I don't wanna go out ever again!", this is coming from my 7 year old brother, and for some reason, my dogs rubber snake was out in our yard. I explained it to him and forced him outside.

Stuff like this makes me sick.