Clearing A Red Signal


New member
Running T:ANE. I have had a couple of instances recently, on predefined routes/sessions, when I am stopped by a red signal. No problem, but after waiting for 20+ minutes, it still would not give me a green signal. Another train had passed shortly after I stopped at the red signal. I would think it would be automatic. Drove through the signal, and the program aborted, which I understand. On another occasion, when I was using my own train on a route, I got stopped again. That's when I went to Map View, and saw the red signal. Just for kicks, I clicked on the signal and it turned to green. Back to the main screen and indeed I have a green signal.

My question is when is this action automatic? If I go into a predefined route/session, and change the signal manually, will that cause it to abort?

Still learning this program but so far I have been very impressed with all it does.


Hi Ted,

What session are you playing?

In most cases, the signal should rise to a green for you to proceed. If you hover your mouse cursor over the signal, what does the message say? You can also exit the train using the 4-key (not the number pad #4) which is the free camera and then inspect the line and see what's going on. It could be the junction ahead is thrown the wrong way, or perhaps it's stuck (will show a padlock) if an AI driver has control. If it is the latter case, you might have to wait for the AI to come along, for who knows how long. Again, knowing which session helps...


I just tried it again with the same results. Route is C&O Hinton Division, Morning Run session. I am able to build the consist just fine. Then I proceed to Fogarty's End. When I get to Red signal #224, I stop. Shortly thereafter a train passes to my right. The signal stays RED. Looking at the map, there is a merging track to my left. The switch # 244 is set to merge from the left onto my track, and the switch is showing locked. Reason for the red signal. However there is nothing on that track, except for a two car consist a ways back, with no engine.

I hope this helps you better understand my problem. Maybe this is a bug that needs addressed.

Thanks for yiour help.


I just tried it again with the same results. Route is C&O Hinton Division, Morning Run session. I am able to build the consist just fine. Then I proceed to Fogarty's End. When I get to Red signal #224, I stop. Shortly thereafter a train passes to my right. The signal stays RED. Looking at the map, there is a merging track to my left. The switch # 244 is set to merge from the left onto my track, and the switch is showing locked. Reason for the red signal. However there is nothing on that track, except for a two car consist a ways back, with no engine.

I hope this helps you better understand my problem. Maybe this is a bug that needs addressed.

Thanks for yiour help.


I'll check the session out myself. There may very well be a bug - perhaps the consist is a bit too close to the junction which will prevent it from being unlocked, and it may have been fixed in the current build which you'll get to download soon.

Sometimes though your own train can lock the junction. Stop a bit short and see if you can switch it. As I said, I'll look into it too.

Red light at on the way to Fogarty's end

Same problem, we are three years later then when this thread begun but no answer yet?
If it was a bug it should have been long time gone eh.
Yep Morning run at arsao, they didnt know how to fix it ! I even sent a couple tickets in back then and they said they were working on ass.....:eek::(