Class 55 Deltic in T:ANE - Is it supposd to be like that?


Yesterdayz Trainz Member
The sounds have noticeable gaps, and it's a real SLUG getting rolling in the stock Flying Scotsman session. Load meter simply rises until it's pinned regardless of load...

Poking around the scripts/config make it obvious it was last configured for TS12, so I am wondering (since I never paid attention to it in TS12) is it suffering from being in T:ANE or did it always act this way.

Obviously I hoping to hear from experienced drivers who used it in both TS12 and T:ANE

The loco in question here is: <kuid2:283805:55001:8> BR Class 55 blue TOPS 1976 by tmz06003
Forget looking at the ammeter; this does not indicate correctly (for pretty well any loco). There have been a number of discussions regarding the behaviour of the Deltic when leaving Kings X and the word from those in the know was that it is more or less prototypical. The key thing is not to go above notch 5 until you reach 25 mph or more. I've found that 32mph is a good point to dial in notch 7 and I leave notch 8 until around 45mph. It is a slow old haul out of Kings X, due to the uphill gradient, but the old girl does eventually get up to speed.

Ok, that's what I came to from running it. I only made the full run once so far, arriving about 30 mins behind schedule at Edinburgh. :( And a lousy 1 star due to missing speed restrictions in various places...
Obviously I hoping to hear from experienced drivers who used it in both TS12 and T:ANE

Im a experenced Deltic driver as I drive the real ones for the last 34 years. Will I do :D Im passed out on class 37's too but you have more chance seeing me in the seat of a class 52. Booked down for a couple of days on D1015 next month :udrool:

The TANE Deltic sounds are rather old. Goes back to when Trainz was first started. The Deltic model then had the sounds of a class 37. A gentleman called Wolf then produced the sounds which are still used today. I do have a new model with sounds which will blow your socks off !! Its just getting the chance to getting the uploaded.

The controls on the TANE Deltic are very good. The previous versions had a lot of wheel slipping which was the program not the loco. The amp meter is totally wrong. The more speed you do the less amps you should get. Driving at 100 MPH on level track with a 10 coach train you should be pulling around 900 amps. Seems the faster you go the more amps you get ?? I have advised a few times to N3V. The train brake/vacuum gauge sits at 30 inches should be zero. If you had 30 inches then you wouldn't be able to move the train as the brakes are on. In Britain it should be 21 inches anyway.

Until you reach notch 7 you are only running on one powerunit which is 1,650 hp. No 2 unit is idling till then. Only then does it runs up to start producing power so increasing speed is slow till the second unit comes in. Example below of twin engine running -

The following quite good. Well I would say that being in the seat -

Me instructing

The Deltc simulator is my handy work. Not used the simulator for a few years as don't have the time. Looking after the locos takes a lot of my time. Do have some future plans for the cab.

Vostrail - got those details spot on


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