Chinese Steam in Kentucky?


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RJ Corman imported this 1986 QJ steam engine from China to be used for special service in Central Kentucky. The above engine was taken out of service hauling coal/passengers in 2005. It took seven months to transport it from China to Central Kentucky.

To learn more...visit RJ Corman website: and read the newsletter.
stuff happens, eh?

I know for a fact that there is a Chinese J 2-8-2 at the Boone Scenic Railway (I refuse to call it RAILROAD).
stuff happens, eh?

I know for a fact that there is a Chinese J 2-8-2 at the Boone Scenic Railway (I refuse to call it RAILROAD).

What surprised me was how new this engine is. I had no idea that any steam engine was that new.
I think China was building new steamers up into the early 90's, India was building them into the early 80's i believe. Ill have to look for some more specific information but there is a abundance of very new steamers that are now out of service in China, I believe the government there wants all steam eliminated by the time of the Olympics. (though theres many bigger pollution problems there than steam locos...)
the last steam loco in the WORLD rolloed out of China's Datong works in either 1989 or 1990, I think.
Thats a QJ, one of 3 brought over here from mainland China, refurbished and put to good use, thats why it looks new.

I have QJ's on my website.
And now Rick Corman has it in regular service on the Sand Special. :D

(Guess who read his TRAINS magazine ;))

Myself, I prefer the steam triple-header on the IAIS when the first 2 QJ's came over (the third loco being 261). Those were some epic, EPIC shots. :D:D:D