If you have TRS 2006 follow these instructions. I cannot be held responsible for any mistakes or errors you might come across.
Use at YOUR OWN risk!
1.Open up the CMP (Content Manager Plus) This program can be found by double clicking on the TRS2006 icon on your desktop. Select "Manage Content" and it will open the CMP.
2. Find the locomotive you wish to edit and right click on it. Find the Edit button and you'll see several options.
3. There are two different ways to do it. First is editing the config file directly via the Text Program (My preferred way) and Second is to use the Content Creator Plus. I personally like editing the config directly as I've found the CCP too fragile a program to use successfully without the CMP crashing (silly stupid program!)
3.5 A standard windows window should open up and you'll see various folders labelled "Body," "art," and so forth. There should be a text file named "config" right there in the open. Open it.
4. Take some time to look over the config file. This is what sets all the dependencies for the model in TRS2006. What bogeys (Trucks for the USA), hornsounds, enginesounds/spec pantographs( If applicable) and what the locomotive is called in the game (username/assetname). Most creators keep all the important Kuid numbers at the top of the config file, but scroll over all of it to make sure you don't miss anything that might also need to be changed. Also find the "Kuid Table" (traditionally at the bottom of the file...That will be important later)
5. Identify what you wish to change. Interior is the cabview of the locomotive. To the right there will be a KUID number. This is the system when Trainz uses to identify what part goes where. Think of it as a unique ID number for the specific part.
Look up what you wish to change and write down the number. Say for instance the cabview for Random Railroad's F7 locomotive is kuid:123:456 and you want to change it. Find the new cabview "kuid:100:101" and type that where the old number is. Also, write down the old kuid number so you can find it in the kuid table. (will be covered shortly)
7. Once you have the new kuid in place scroll down to the kuid table mentioned above. Find the old kuid you replaced (hopefully you remembered to write it down like I mentioned earlier). Find it on the kuid table and replace it with the new one. The reason for this is that when you commit the file, it will register a "missing kuid" because the old number is still in the kuid table at the bottom. It helps to keep your "Missing Dependencies" tab uncluttered.
8. Now save the text file and close it along with the other window that popped up.
9. Go back to CMP and right click on the asset again. Go to "Edit" and select at the bottom the "commit" button. This action will send the changes to the Trainz system enabling them once you start the game. Now to see if it works simply Close out CMP and run trainz like you normally would.
For TRS2004
For Trainz 2004, it works the same was as described above except without the CMP program. You'll have to manually find the locomotive by its "master kuid number" in the folders in the TRS2004 in your Hard Drive system.
Go to where ever your game is installed C: Drive or whatever its called...Find the Auran Folder, then go to TRS2004, the open the "World" folder, then open the Dispatcher folder. Find the file according to it's Kuid number. when you find the folder open it up then follow steps 3.5 to 8. Turn on 2004 and it should work.
I admit I'm not too familiar with TRS2004, because I've been using 2006 for too long. Hopefully this helps you out. If you get stuck send me a PM and I'll assist you from there. Just don't get mad at me if things go wrong, I tried to idiot proof this as best as possible