Cards Against Community


Making TANE Great Again
Welcome mortals of the T:ANEz community, tonight I would like to play a game. I am your host, the Card Czar for this wondrous game of Cards Against Community. A game not unlike the "humanity" counterpart, perhaps more topical though. Rules are simple, I play a black card, you the humans of the community complete the message with a white card. At the end of each round I will select a winner and award pickle points accordingly. Use google images to find an appropriate white card by searching "cards against humanity white cards" or use this page to make a card but please try to keep it clean. Once the winner is announced, I will post a new card.


Game on, and good luck to all mortals competing in this glorious testament to the community!


The Card Czar
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I have judged thee all thoroughly, and have decided that [200012201110202201110220110120101200] (I hope I spelled that correctly) has earned the first pickle point, congratulations! Now, onward and upward! but mostly onward.


Play true, for I am watching you all from up high
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Surely you all have not given up so soon! I ask you to send your best Gladiators and I get this small group! Perhaps I will allow this round another hour, but I expect to see your greatest warriors before me in combat by then!

Good luck competitors!

Rules are simple, I play a black card, you the humans of the community complete the message with a white card. At the end of each round I will select a winner and award pickle points accordingly. .... Once the winner is announced, I will post a new card.

The rules for CAH are quite clear, to quote from Wikipedia ...

  1. To start the game, each player draws ten White Cards.
  2. The person who most recently pooped begins as the Card Czar and plays a Black Card. The Card Czar reads the question or fill-in-the-blank phrase on the Black Card out loud.
  3. Everyone else answers the question or fills in the blank by passing one White Card, face down, to the Card Czar.
  4. The Card Czar shuffles all of the answers and shares each card combination with the group. For full effect, the Card Czar should usually re-read the Black Card before presenting each answer. The Card Czar then picks the funniest play, and whoever submitted it gets one Awesome Point.
  5. After the round, a new player becomes the Card Czar, and everyone draws back up to ten White Cards
How do we know that you have met condition 2 to be the "Card Czar"? :)
I am a benevolent god, and have heard your concerns. But is this a question you truly wish to have an answer to? Perhaps something more pertinent like the meaning of life to begin with? or "what TANE SP will be the best?"


Well, it seems a few more have joined the race! Perhaps all is not lost for this community! This shall end another round of this fabulous fight for glory! There were many submissions of quality, but in the end only one stepped above and beyond fear to pose a true threat to your future generations, and that was a box within a box. Truly a frightening sight not knowing what lies within! So it is with great prestige I award Vinnie264 with the next pickle point!

Now I am feeling quite generous and as such will be allowing even more time for additional gladiators to come forth! Make me proud noble humans.
