

Dirty Deeds
How much longer do we have to endue this Captcha every time i post or reply to a thread here, Can we at least have one that does not require refreshing the image 5 times till i can read it LOL.
Cheers Mick.
Correct. It seems it's affecting a small number of accounts that appear to have been placed in the wrong 'group' although N3V may have a better idea on why yours has ended up there (although I do recall that Malc had the same problem a few weeks ago).

It's OK - I know Spiffy is pretty good on getting that issue sorted pretty quickly although as it's the weekend it may be tomorrow when it gets sorted (unless you are lucky enough that they can sort it today).

Mick - you will need to contact Spiffy or N3V's Helpdesk to get your account configured correctly.


Sorry for reviving this long dead thread, but I'm having the same issue.

Shane advised to contact Spiffy to get it fixed - only issue is, I have no idea who Spiffy is, or how to contact him.

So I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks!