Can't seem to attach track to Ore Dock Loader Large,<kuid2:60238:26226:1>


New member
Or Ore Dock Loader Small,<kuid2:60238:26206:1> either. The lower (barge) track hooks up ok, but nothing seems to want to stick to the upper.

I suppose I could just hide an ore unloading track up there and unload trains into it but I would not have the input connected to the output in any real way. I know it's kinda nit-picky, but I really wanted to have some freight get from the industries to leave by boat... feels more like an accomplishment than pouring commodities into some endless hole... (the built-in seaport gobbling up the same amount of stuff whether a ship leaves or not. [and doesn't anybody ever ship stuff in?]).

Anyway... all and any help greatly appreciated.
With me it works fine .

When you put your camera in front of the dock you see a flickering green dot . Put just in front of the dot ón the inv. track on both sides of the dot a speed sign 5km opposite to each other . The barge will stop at the right place and load .
Hi Chris,
haven't used it for a while so I checked. You drag the track to the base of the arrow at at the end of the dock.There is a circle there. It will then connect at the top.
The barge track wasn't giving me the trouble; it's the load-in track at the top - for trains. Usually splines (and track) will join themselves from all over the place. It was a real pain 'til I rediscovered holding down the shift key before you let go of an add- or move- spline/track.

This is just refusing to join up: I'm zoomed all the way in with the camera vertical so the spline-circles are are aligned as they can be but they still aren't connecting.

But I do appreciate you taking the time to help. Thanks.
Got it now. :-)

It's not so much that the "Iron Ore Dock" object won't attach to any track...

It just won't attach to any track you'd want to leave hanging 27.90m in the air.

I was kinda thinking that the "Ore Dock" spline or the "Ore Dock Bridge" spline would do it. Nope. Almost any normal, ground-hugging type of track gloms on as happily as it would to anything else.

Alright, for now there's going to be a gap. Til i find some steel beams or a spacer I can hang up there

Or better yet some type of bridge track that hooks up...
You can only attach real track splines. Other splines, possibly looking like tracks, are probably bridges. These splines could only be attached by using a short piece of invisible track (straightened ?).


"The ore dock bridge or other ore dock splines are placed and raised to the height of the Ore Dock Loader. Invisible track is placed to join the splines to the Ore Loader and the spline is moved into alignment with the Ore Loader."

Yup, I'm not crazy. Thank' Peter.

I think I might have found the track that will fill the hole: NSW Girder Bridge 1 3m. It looks like a bridge (track is resting on deep steel girders) but it's not a bridge (you can straighten it, and you have to supply your own pylons or piers) and it seems to stick to almost anything. ---> Yes! it sticks!

I have just enough OCD that the light I can see between the dock and the bridge will bug me...

Sorry, Mike. I should get in the habit of:

With me it works fine .

When you put your camera in front of the dock you see a flickering green dot . Put just in front of the dot ón the inv. track on both sides of the dot a speed sign 5km opposite to each other . The barge will stop at the right place and load .

Thank's leskie. Good tip. I hate it when I'm having an AI driver load a huge consist of, say, grain and have to go back to fill the 1st 3 cars 'cause the driver overran the loading zone. I end up putting invisible speed signals everywhere (I just figured out that even tho' they're between two 15 mph signs they don't know it 'til they pass one.

OK. I think I'm off to build a little route. Never done that. Tiling the landscape has always daunted me. But I just started running "Regional Passenger Transit" and it made me think that maybe snow is just the ticket:cool: