Cant edit config file


New member
I have been wanting to change the preview picture for a route. I know how to get to the config file by right clicking on the route and then clicking view config file. I know what I have to do to change the picture but the config file wont let me change anything. Any help?
In "View Config" you can look, but you can't edit ... You have to "Open For Edit In Explorer" tab.

Do all experiments by making a "Clone" and experiment on the clone first.
The advice given above is correct. View Config File will only let you view the file. To edit it, you must use Edit in Explorer (to access the config.txt file directly) or Edit in Content Creator Plus.

Be aware that Content Creator Plus may modify the build version of the asset.

Thanks a lot guys. I was able to get into it and edit it but I guess I was wrong. It wouldn't work to get the picture for a preview. This is what I have put in.
image "oceanicexpress.jpg"
width 240
height 180

image "oceanicexpress.jpg"
You do not need the second part (the part beginning with 1) in this instance.

Also, make sure that the .jpg file you have specified is exactly the same dimensions as you have entered in the config.txt file.

It still wouldn't work. I edited it to make sure it was exactly 240 by 180 pixels. I have this now. Don't worry about the name change. I used the edited picture which is a different name.
image "ocean.jpg"
width 240
height 180
Move lines 2+3 to the right by 1 space tab, 4+5+6 by another space tab, 7 out by 1 space tab. I've just checked another thumbnail in a config.
How do you change the picture for the route.
Have plenty of screenshots from the route in the appdata/nv3games/screenshots
was is this assets folder...?

Does the asset have a picture currently? Can you Open for edit the asset in Content Manager? If so, just copy the new image over the old one, changing the name if required, and Submit changes.

Read the top of the thread for more details.
Does the asset have a picture currently? Can you Open for edit the asset in Content Manager? If so, just copy the new image over the old one, changing the name if required, and Submit changes.

Read the top of the thread for more details.
done that , am getting file does not exist... again I ask what folder does the image need to be in.
Normally it needs to be in the same directory as config.txt itself, the one that opens when you Open for editing in explorer from Content Manager.
More particularly, it needs to be exactly where the old picture is. If you can find the old thumbnail, put the new one right where the old one is, and with the same name. If you can`t figure out where the thumbnail is or what its name is, open config.txt and look for a tag that says thumbnail. When you find that file, verify that it is the picture you want to replace, then copy the new picture over top of the old one. If it isn`t the right image, you`re looking at the wrong thumbnail.
The quickest way to create your own picture for your route is to do this:

1) In Surveyor or Driver, click on Edit Route...

You can then create a route image here as indicated on the screen it doesn't matter what it is. Let it create an image.

2) Close this since you don't need it any longer.

Take your favorite screenshot of your route.

3) Edit and resize/crop the image to 240 x 180.

4) Open the asset for editing in Explorer. You do this by right-clicking on the route in Content Manager.
5) Copy your image you resized/cropped and paste it into the route's folder.
6) Edit the config.txt file

Since you have the folder open, find it and double-click on it to bring it up in Notepad.

7) Look for the thumbnails container.
   width 240
   height 180
   image "$screenshot$.jpg"

8) Substitute $screenshot$.jpg for your own image, or rename your image to this - whichever is easiest for you.
9) Save and close the config.txt file.
10) Close the folder.
11) Submit the route in Content Manager.
12) Verify there are no errors and if there are, check your work.

The process takes a lot less time than it did for me to type this out.