Caney Fork Explosive Cargo - revised


New member
Hi AllNot been downloading from here for a while ( Never seem to get anything to work) Been downloading mostly from Razorback Railway. As a retired guy I am not really into all the programing details as I only purchased Trainz 2004 and 2006 ( nevr used 2006 yet ) for the pleasure of running the scenarios which do give me great pleasure. However as usual with me when I download a scenario I never get it to work first time Can anyone advise me where to get these missing items for the above scenario
and 2 missing items merely labled on TrainzObject as bogey-0 and bogey-1r

Thank you all in advance as I am confident you guys can fix anything

I've looked through the config for both the route and the session and the kuids that you mention are not referenced in either config. They may be a dependency of a kuid in the configs, but after running TO, I could not find the referenced kuids listed anywhere. I would think that if my route or session used them, that I'd have them, but I can't find them anywhere on my computer.
30671 is the kuid for LARS and may be found on TrainzProRoutes, but I haven't checked it yet.
Also, when I run TO, I don't get the missing bogeys that you reference.
I'll go to TARL and see what I can find.

Thanks Mike for your rapid response. Think I should have posted this in TRS2004 threads but thats great I'll run TO again and see what happens.

Thanks for your quick response

Fatal Error message

Hi Leeferr,

I deleted all reference to the above scenario and reloaded the first one then followed it by the revised scenario. I got past most errors and on loading up now receive the following Fatal Error message. It probably has nothing to do with you more Auran but since the other scenarios and driver sessions all still run I was wondering if you might be able to explain the Fatal error Its probably my fault but it downheartens me when I cannot seem to get the simplist of things to run.

If this is the wrong place to post this then please direct me to the correct location
Error Message

"Class: Hardware
Reason: Access Violation

Exception @ 00637EE7 in C:\Program Files\Auran\TRS2004\bin\trainz.exe

Recoverable exception: Yes

EAX: 23DA4584 EBX: 00000000 ECX: 00000000 EDX: 23A2BDF8
ESP: 0013FC08 EBP: 00000000 ESI: 00000000 EDI: 00000001

DS: 00000023 FS: 0000003B
ES: 00000023 GS: 00000000
SS: 00000023 CS:EIP: 001B:00637EE7

Flags: 00010246 (CF:0 ZF:1 SF:0)

Call Stack:

00637EE7 - 00000001(+236EE7) C:\Program Files\Auran\TRS2004\bin\trainz.exe
Unable to gather full diagnostics"

sorry to be such a bother

I don't have a clue. Maybe some kind trainzer out there can decipher it.
I'm sorry you're having so much trouble with it. It you'd like, I can send you the cdp directly and then see if it corrects your problem. I haven't heard of anyone else having a problem since I uploaded the revised session.
Anyone else out there having a problem?
just downloading now, will report.
started it up and got fatal error re proto lars industry. Will go again early doors when Dls quiet. Struggling to connect at the moment.
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thanks fran1
let me know how it goes. I'm not sure if there's a problem with the session or the route uploads at this point. All runs fine on my end.
downloaded again, same again, no go. a lot of missing deps but when i go to download them 16.08mb supposedly the only thing that happens is a message at the bottom saying Oxygen GAS was obsoleted by a later version.
i can open both up in surveyor but only canvey fork in driver not the scenario.
38 broken,8 missing deps. a lot are hoppers+wagons of which i've checked (3) and nothing faulty at all. I'll have another look after a kip, my eyes are shot.
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cdp direct

Hi leeferr,

I have never done that before ( directly downloading the cdp ) but I am willing to try anything that helps. I think one needs to be able to have much more knowledge of the inner workings of Trainz than I have even if they simply want to run scenarios for pleasure

Many thanks

nothing wrong with the wagons etc, they're showing up faulty because of dependant asset( the scenario).
Leefer, is this route for 2004 only, if so thats where my problem is with the scenario, i'm on 2006 sp1.
downloaded it both ways, same result.
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It was built for 2004, so I don't know how it runs on 2006.
I'll email you and get your email address so I can email you the cdp directly.

Is there anyone out there that the session runs okay for?
Giving up

Hi Mike,

Fraid this is all too deep for me. I'll just give it a bye and stick to simple layouts that I can download and run. Getting bit old to teach myself the language of Trainz lol I'll just forget about it.

Sorry for all the trouble I have caused you.

Looked a good scenario as well. Never mind can't win them a

