can you ?


can you save downloaded content if you need to reinstall for the service packs?

Sorry to all i cant spell
Im good with money 1
can you save downloaded content if you need to reinstall for the service packs?

Sorry to all i cant spell
Im good with money 1

yes you can you go to your PROGRAM FILES / AURAN / TRS2006/ LOCAL folder and copy it elsewhere and when you are done reinstalling replace the folder and delete your assets.tdx file from the AURAN / TRS2006 folder then restart trains. itll take a while for trains to rebuild the assets list but when its done you should have all your downloaded content restored.

not sure if 2004 is the same procedure
well, to save it, do this to every letter:
1. Go to your auran directory file, into the trs2006 folder, and remove the local folder right out of the trsfolder.
2. Then go through, and delete everything in the TRS folder. (place the Local folder on your desktop)
3. then, insert your 06 disks and uninstall TRS.
4. once thats done, reinstall TRS, BUT DO NOT run it.
5. Install Service Pack 1, then go back to your TRS Directory folder. find the new local folder the disks put onto your computer, and delete that, but dont remove everything from the TRS folder.
6. Place your old Local folder into the TRS directory folder, then close out the directory. Open it back up, and look for a file called 'assets.tdx' delete this.
7. Then run Content Manager Plus, and the game should read all the content you had on your previous local folder. Routes, Locomotives, everything saved.:)
Glad to help
Wonderful thread title there, complements your other one quite nicely.

Use the Archive button in CMP, or simply copy your local folder and relocate it somewhere else, then put it back after reinstallation.
i did what you said and i cant get the game to reinstall
i tought it was the cds but i ran them on my laptop and my sons pc and it ran
so do you no what is wrong