Can someone please review my TRI STATE routes?


New member
I have built the entire njt system excluding the Raritan line and Newark subway. I also made the port Jervis line. And the river line and the path subway line. I made the entire northeast corridor from Bangor Maine to Charlotte. And I am in the process of making the whole metro north system. If anybody wants the routes to review or test them just pm me.
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I think you are going to need to be a little more specific.

Did you check the DLS already? Most if not all the scenery you need is already on there.

Start putting in the scenery, share some screenshots and let us know what specific things you are looking for :).
I want you or someone to critique my work if that is possible. I'm gonna give screenshots shortly. I was asking if someone could put in some scenery for me.That is probably to much to ask anyways. Sorry in advance.
might i ask what kind of documentation

You don't have much scenery, so I assume that people are not being asked to review how you have done the scenery.

Therefore, presumably you are asking people to review your terrain and track layout. To review that they will need a standard against which to compare it - that's what reviewing is. What standard is that? Are you supplying the original maps, photos, diagrams etc that you built the route from so that your reviewers have something to review your work against? if not, then what does 'review' mean?
yes I will give you some photos

There's no point in giving photos until someone has volunteered for the task. That's not going to happen until you explain what the task entails. You need to describe the source material that will be provided to enable people to review your route. That will enable people to see whether or not it is worth the trouble of reviewing. When you get a volunteer, then you can provide that source material.
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people who review my route will be given my route ,but you would need to promise not to give the route to anybody. just pm me if your want to review or test the route. advice is appreciated
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Given your pictures here, I will say you still have a lot of work to do before offering the route to others. That is, unless, the progress is a lot farther along that you have shown here.

Here is something that you should aspire for:

I will leave the comments at that for now....

Some feedback:
Hoboken terminal and NY Pen look to be the same picture.
I also notice you do not know how to use the straighten tool. I suggest you experiment a bit with that.
Never seen the Hoboken yard, but the tracks look to be 20+ meters apart, which would be a waste of space and money for a railroad, so I doubt that is correct.
I was asking if someone could put in some scenery for me. That is probably to much to ask anyways. Sorry in advance.
Putting in the scenery is (in my opinion) most of the work of building a route, so yeah; maybe a bit much to ask.

I suggest you keep practicing and enjoying the fun of route building.
@Oknotsen - yup, Hoboken Terminal (NJ) is completely incorrect, and since Penn Station is a very complex system of tracks i'd think he also did that wrong too if he did it the same way he did the other stations i see in his pics...but well, lets wait for a screenie

Greetings from way too hot and dry germany...

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