Can anyone tell me...

If you have the route, just use the get asset button under the track spline tab and click on the desired track. It should the give you the details you seek.
Use the "what's dis" button.


Every tool has one, select the "get" button then click on the asset that you want to know what it is, it will show up in the top list window.
Sorry Guys but I tried that.

Is it track or a spline such as a road?

That can determine whether that tool works or not. The other thing too is you might have to adjust your angle a bit or zoom out which I find works sometimes too in order to get the selection point on the spline. Clicking on the spline point helps too with this.

We can't see things that are on your computer. You need to upload it to a photo-sharing site or something like Host then Post then using the link given.

Also need to be more specific, "I tried that".

Example, "I tried that and the list doesn't change" or "I tried that and my kitten had puppies" or "I tried that and the program froze", what exactly happens when you click on the track with the pick tool? Assuming you have the correct toolset selected it might be that there's something under/over/next to the track which is interfering with the pick tool, so grab a spline with the "move" tool and drag it out to a place where it's all alone, then try the pick tool.
My 2 pennyworth...
Had a simular situation yesterday, turned out that I had deleted and relayed a section of track whilst working on a road (Layers in Use) and could not add a signal in track mode. Lesson ...always check which layer you are working on when making alterations. Also merge session tab with route tab every now and then.
Hope this helps.
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Thanks for the tip helian43. I'll keep that in mind. When I downloaded the route, I didn't delete anything.

Thanks for your patience guys. Sometimes RL interferes!!! At any rate, I didn't mean to post
. I went to my webpage but decided it was inappropriate to host the pic there.

What I meant when I said I 'tried that' was the solution posted by sniper 297. I still don't understand what's happening unless helian43 is onto something. I'll have to check it out.

In the meantime I'm completely frustrated. I'll just forget about having white lines in place of tracks.

Thanks for all your help!!!

Hi Colleen,

To post an image do this.

Go to

Click Browse to where you have your images, such as the one you have: C:\Program Files (x86)\N3V Games\TS12\UserData\screenshots

Find the image you want to upload.

Click Host!

You'll see a thumbnail view of your image.

Scroll down until you see the box for Forums.

Highlight the text in there.

Press CTRL+C at the same time to COPY the data.

Open this post on the forum here.

Press CTRL+V to Paste.

Your image will appear here for all of us to see.


Getting to the bottom of the mystery, Watson.

"Sorry Guys but I tried that."

Correct answer would have been "I can't click on the tracks because THERE ARE NO TRACKS ALL I SEE IS WHITE LINES."

What you have there is missing assets.

Open content manager, find the route. Right click, select View Dependencies, then View in main list. Scroll down the list of dependencies until you find the missing track, then download it.
For the white lines issue, try this:

I also posted the same response elsewhere. I can't remember where I got it from originally and I saved the information in my Trainz-Tech folder for future reference.

The dashed white lines isn't "a missing asset" - it's the asset that Trainz turns to when it can't find the asset it is supposed to draw there. These white lines are, in themselves, an asset. You can find this asset in CM. It's called "Missing spline", and it's by Rob. Open it for edit. Change the KUID from <kuid:523:1124> to <kuid2:523:1124:1>, and remove the whole privileges container (containing the line "permit-listing 0") Then install that asset as if it were a new asset - e.g. drag the folder from windows explorer back onto the CM interface. Once it's installed, revert the original one (you can't commit changes to it as it's a built-in asset). Result: The dashed white lines now show up in the menu, and can be selected just like any other track spline. You could lay some down if you wanted. More to the point, you can now use the 'replace items' tool to change them to any track spline you have installed...
I will add this. When you install the folder, use the install content option. This will save so much time. Also don't panic when the creator is shown as AURAN. I hope this helps some one.
Probably simpler if she could just find the missing asset KUID in content manager and download it. Original question and the fact that this is in surveyors etc. instead of general trainz made me assume she was creating her own route and looking to use the same type of track, but if she is having a problem with MISSING track in a route she downloaded that's a different animal.

Colleen, are you seeing something like this?

So there we go, mystery solved, you have at least one missing asset.

Instead of clicking START from the launcher, click CONTENT. That brings up content manager.

At the top should be a tab labeled MISSING DEPENDENCIES, click on that.
The route should come up in the list. Select the route and click the RIGHT mouse button, choose VIEW DEPENDENCIES.
That will open a popup window, LEFT click the VIEW IN MAIN LIST button.
On the far right is a STATUS tab, hopefully the track that's missing will have a DS (Download Station) icon, so you can RIGHT click on that and choose DOWNLOAD from the menu.

If you get an UNKNOWN KUID, you can RIGHT click on that and choose COPY, then switch to the post window here and hit CTRL V to paste the text like this;

Unknown Location: <kuid2:44090:57002:1>

I followed your instructions but came up empty. Under 'Status' everything listed is either local or built in. There was no DLS icon. I checked and there's nothing that is blocked or listed as disabled. Can you think of anything else??
Hmmm, this is going to be difficult. I blipped past the "trainguy611" part of the first post, assumed we were talking about;

City and Country USA,<kuid:-1:100927>
City and Country USA 2,<kuid:-3:10174>

Which are built into TS2010. Further search shows there are zillions of variations on this route, I think the one you mean is;

City and Country USA TS12,<kuid:275587:100095>

For future reference, you can right click on a route in content manager and select "Copy items to clipboard", then switch to the post window on a forum and hit CTRL V to paste the text.

Main problem I have is I no longer have TS12 installed, so I can't download a 3.7 build route to troubleshoot. What you could try is look up the route on the download station, select DOWNLOAD DETAILS, then "Add all dependencies to DL cart" to see if the missing track will download that way.
If it's not showing as actually missing it's not faulty by any chance? List dependencies in a new Window and scroll through and see if anything has the red faulty icon.