Can active industries interfere if too close?

I'm setting up a session with some active passenger stations. All use the same active track and work well, except for one. This one just gives me a red crossed icon and refers to 'load at track 0' instead of 'load at platform 1' when I include it in the AI driver's list of stations. Trains approaching it cause the program to crash if they have the red icon in the driver's list.

Can't figure out what's different about this one.

I've named it, set the properties OK, the track is connected at both ends, trains run through the station OK and the 'view properties' box says the station is capable of operating.

There is a woodchip industry on a separate track but within 100 metres away and there's also a crossing and a junction close to this station. Can any of these somehow interfere with the function of a passenger track? If so, is there a recommended separation distance?

Trainz is slowly doing my head in again.:eek:

As far as I can see they should not interfere with each other, I have some close together that perform ok.

What is the kuid of the problem station and I will do a test for you to see if we can figure it out.

Also which version of Trainz are you using?


Thanks for the assistance. I agree, it shouldn't happen, but Trainz is such a 'feature-infested' program, you just never know.

I'm using TRS2004, SP4 (build 2365).

The station track is 49869:28152, an invisible platform from ze Czech Republic. The nearby woodchip track is a built-in multi-industry -3:10165.

Hi Dean
Try temporarily removing the crossing and see if that clears the problem as they have a large trigger radius
Regards Bob V
Dean, I have tried both the items as close as I can get them and they work ok.

I even placed a crossing at the end of the station and still no problem.

I know that while loading/unloading is taking place the AI does not look for the next command, which can result in a train going up the wrong road if points are too close to the loader/unloader and the train goes through the points while loading/unloading causing the train to go up the road that is set even if it is the wrong way required by the next command.

I don't think that is what is wrong here though.

Have you altered the station name after placing the command. This will cause a red cross. Try deleting the red cross and reset the command.

Thanks for the suggestions and investigative work! Hmm, the mystery remains. The station name was set prior to including it in the Driver's schedule, so we can rule that one out as a cause of the red cross.

And you're right (Dennis) that the problem isn't with the train going the wrong way. The red cross problem arises as I assign the AI driver his ports of call. Also, on my layout, there is basically no wrong way available.

Last night I tried moving the station a bit further away from both the crossing and other industry, but to no avail. Mind you, I'm only guessing that proximity to other assets with a trigger radius is the problem. It was the only thing I could think of to explain why a station which works everywhere else on the layout refuses to play ball here. It's really got me foxed.

I will try a few more experiments tonight with other active stations, deleting crossings et cetera and see what gives. Fascinating, isn't it?

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Success at last.

The nearby crossing wasn't the problem, since deleting it made no difference, and that agrees with what Dennis observed.

The only way I could make the station appear on the AI driver's list was to replace that particular passenger track (kuid:49869:28152) with another one. Even another from the same invisible platform series.

I still don't know the reason for the initial problem.

Is it possible that there is a limit to the number of times you can use the same passenger track on one layout? It explains what I'm seeing, but I haven't had time to test the idea fully.
