Bugging questions for '06, all are welcome.


Hello people ^^.

I'm relatively new to Trainz, although you might have spotted me somewhere else on the forum recently. So, I've started a career as a full-time surveyor this holidays and sure I've got a couple of questions.

Here goes:

1. This is the one giving me the most stress, CMP won't open! :'((and thus I can't access the Painshed). Whenever I select it from the launcher, all I get is a Windows error popup allowing me to send an error report. Is it a problem with my TRS06 build (2773) or some silly erroneous file?

2. Whenever I edit a station's properties and save the route, I return to find that all the values except for the name have been reset to defaults. Is there a workaround?

3. I notice that the AI trains usually stop before a turnout, switch it to the desired direction, then continue, which is very un-realistic. Any ideas?

4. Iberia Interior's showcases crash the game whenever I try to open them, is there a fix to this?

5. Can I edit the Carz density on individual roads. For example, more traffic in the city and lesser out in the woods.

6. Do the water and coaling towers (under objects and without an IND designation) really work if I just put them beside the track? Similarly, do the speed limit signs (under track>trackside mode) work the same way?

7. During driver mode, when I drive a train up a switch set against it, it doesn't derail. I don't have a big problem with this, although it makes things slightly less realistic.

8. Is there anyway to make spline platforms (or stations without the IND designation for this matter) interactive? Invisible platforms don't seem to solve the problem because they also turn out as "dead" objects.

9. Does anyone have tips on laying out trees in a large scale other than spline floras?

10. Similarly also, any ideas on how to lay terrain over huge areas without much trace of repetition.

11. Any advice on laying "optimized railways" (routes which consume lesser cpu usage thus freeing up more power for rendering more trains within a scene such as switching and sorting sessions) will also be of much help here.

Please quote the question or question number you're answering to make things simple. And again, any help is greatly appreciated.

ps. everybody is encouraged to post their problems and questions with regards to TRS06 here. ;)
Q7. go faster it will. Q9+11. the more scenery and background the more CPU usage especially different items.
Q3. your signalling may need altering, as in more,or they have a choice of routes, try track direction markers making them go that specific way.Drive via marker\to marker etc.
Q6. only the interactive industries will work, place the others for effect. Speed boards\signs do work although allow enough distance for consists to slow down or they will overrun. the advanced warning boards don't seem to do much, I've never noticed my drivers slow for them anyway.

2) saving a route only saves the assest and layout. You need to save a session with all your settings.

5) yes - search in the forum - again the settings need to be saved in a session.

7) - If you mean that a "Y" switch is set to (e.g.) left fork and your train arrives on the right fork (i.e. training points) then ir real life the train won't derail - just damage the points.
You may also need to change the de-rail realism option using "Edit rules"

ps. everybody is encouraged to post their problems and questions with regards to TRS06 here.

Why not in the TRS 2006 forum?


Fran1, I'm still in the terrain planning/track laying stage, so much of the network does not have signals yet, so I don't think the train-stop-switch-the-points-and-continue syndrome is caused by bad signalling.

Chris, thanks for helping out, although the link don't really work (or ast least in my case). I keep getting an error message going:

nicky9499, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
  1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
  2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
Have I done something wrong or offended the admin recently?
Please I really need Paintshed and CMP back up and running!