Buffalo Central Terminal


NS guy stuck a CSX town
I'm part of the commitee restoring buffalo central terminal, so i went down to do some work today. here are some pics, sorry bout the blur, it was really really dusty. more pics as i do more work.






Wow, good luck!

The first two pics remind me of our Terminal Station, or, at least, the pictures Don Phillips* took of it).

*Yup, the Don Phillips who writes that column in TRAINS magazine. Somehow the authors of Birmingham Rails convinced him to let them use his pics of the Terminal.
I love this terminal, I went to the 2010 train show a few months ago. It was amazing, someone needs to make this for trainz.
Your pictures no longer show up.

Anyway I remember when you guys started inspecting the terminal to see what could be done on the renovations. I even wrote to the author of the Buffalo Terminal website telling how great it was to see their effort on the project. That was about ten years ago!

I'm glad to see that this project has finally gotten off the ground. It's a shame that the grand old building had to go down this far before anyone could do anything with it. Is the old bronze buffalo still in the terminal, or has it been stolen?

I love this terminal, I went to the 2010 train show a few months ago. It was amazing, someone needs to make this for trainz.
MMM...Yes...BCT would be an excellent project for a seasoned content creator. I would even donate to the cause.
Very cool pictures! I live about one hour away in Rochester, and have been in that station many times, hope u can restore it perfectly!