Botched TRS22 update?


Does anybody know if the update file for TRS22 PE is ok? I finally realized there was an update for it. I downloaded it and installed. After the install, any operation after that would shut the computer down. This has happened twice. I finally have the computer back on, but do not want to touch TRS22 until I uninstall it and reinstall using the full installer. Has this happened to anybody? I am now wondering if the uninstall operation is going to shut the computer down?

Edit: I just want to be sure that uninstalling TRS22 will not remove the "Data" files?
Your user data files (installed assets etc) are stored separately from the software. The software is usually in the "C:\Program Files\N3V Games\Trainz Railroad Simulator 2022" drive/folder and the user data files are usually in the "C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\Local\N3V Games\trs22\build <random numbers/letters>" drive/folder although both can be in different locations - this is assuming you are using Windows.

You can uninstall the software (TRS22PE) and the user data folder/files will not be touched. Just take note (write down) the full address of the user data folder before you uninstall. When you install TRS22 it will create a new user data folder using a different "build <random numbers/letters>" folder name sequence. The new folder will probably be in the same location down to the \N3V Games\trs22\... level. Then...
  1. From the Launcher, select Trainz Settings and the Install tab.
    • Replace the new user data folder address with your original one .
  2. From the Launcher MyTrainz tab enter your username and password.
  3. Exit the launcher back to the desktop and restart Trainz.
For as long I have been running Trainz on my computer, this is the first. I made sure my chipset drivers were up to date. I am unable to recall what version I was using before this mess, but I found my original installation download and proceeded to reinstall after uninstalling. I am unable to install TRS22.. I get to the half way point and immediate shutdown. I have to shut off the power supply and turn it back on to turn the computer back on. This has happened twice. I am now taking a break from installation, running other games to see if the computer crashes and so far nothing. The one thing I did not try yet is to give the installation full administration privilege. Any ideas? I still have TRS19 installed. I will try working with that to see if my computer still shuts down.
The good news is that it is not TRS22 causing the crash. I was able to install it this time around without issues. I did give it full privilege and I made sure my antivirus program did not interfere with the installation. Now the bad news, while copying my backup data, the computer did shut down on me. This is telling me my computer is the problem. Evidently, when large amounts of data is being moved, the computer crashes. I am hoping it is something simple like the power supply.
Have you installed all your Trainz products into the default location? If yes then I would suggest that the drive may be nearly full. When you copy the data it first goes into memory and requires space for temporary storage on a drive before it transfers it.
Have you installed all your Trainz products into the default location? If yes then I would suggest that the drive may be nearly full. When you copy the data it first goes into memory and requires space for temporary storage on a drive before it transfers it.
Since the drive is one of the secondary drives, what would be the limit? It is a terabyte drive with 166 gigs left. Would this drive be used for the temporary storage or the main drive with the OS?
I did discover that the drive was faulty. I have my new drive already. A 2TB Samsung 990 Pro which was on sale. It appears that the drive was not reporting the actual free space available and there could have been other issues since it was crashing the system. Samsung's Magician software was giving me the clue by indicating that there was not enough free space, but that is it. There were no other issues picked up by the software. Anyways, keep an eye on your storage. You will never know when it will turn against you.