
Official N3V DLC Partners
When i type "what is the time in australia" it says sathurday 05:10

So Black Friday is over in Australia.

But not from here, because when I login I still get the 50% discount.

So everything I ordered YESTERDAY was TOO EARLY when it was Black Friday already in Australia?

Damn! I paid way too much! Should have ordered a few hours later!

☼ :'( ☼

Can I send it all back and then order again? :hehe:
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When i type "what is the time in australia" it says sathurday 05:10

So Black Friday is over in Australia.

But not from here, because when I login I still get the 50% discount.

So everything I ordered YESTERDAY was TOO EARLY when it was Black Friday already in Australia?

Damn! I paid way too much! Should have ordered a few hours later!

☼ :'( ☼

Can I send it all back and then order again? :hehe:

They're based in America, not Australia.

That indeed makes a difference.

Still I have paid too much!
But.... my misstake.
I'm just stupid.

One of those days, everthing goes wrong.
Better luck next year.

Kevin you need to make your sig clickable so people can spend their money a few seconds quicker than presently possible, what with opening a new tab, typing your address and all. ;)
Another way too, when you read his messages. Click on his name, then select shown in picture below, and you'll see Sub Menu popup, select his "Visit Homepage" option, it takes you directly to JR Website...........Have fun Shopping all, I picked up cool stuff from JR this weekend...........
