beginners guide(s)

Everyone has loads of questions at first and Trainz can seem a bit overpowering.

Try to get a rough idea of what each of the main menu options do, then explore running some of the built-in Driver sessions to get to grips with driving technique. DCC mode is much easier than CAB mode, but CAB mode is much more realistic.

Then pick whatever aspect of the program interests you most and investigate it further - for example running activities other people have created, downloading some layouts or rolling stock, or making layouts of your own - or even making buildings and rolling stock but that's highly advanced.

In the meantime, if you've got any specific questions try searching on this forum (someone else has probably asked beforehand) or if you can't find the solution then ask here and someone will try to help.

The manual is good but probably best digested in small bites. In any case, most people probably learn best by playing - errr, umm, I mean exploring so as familiarise themselves with the product :)
