Bearpaw Lumber Co


I have found a disk with the Bearpaw Lumber Co. route. I have loaded the route into TMR 2017. When I go into Manage Content it shows me the follow: Modified, Missing Dependencies Kuid:68330:1084. The route was originally for TRS 2006. Will it be possible to run this route in TMR 2017? Where can I find the missing Kuid?

Thanks for the help.

The route and it's assets are abandoned. See the TKI search here >

If you have the route, you need to run the route through TS12 first to change the files then load it up and see if it works.

Open the route in TS12 Surveyor.

Make a subtle change like move a tree then hit undo.

Save the route to force the update to TS12 build 3.7.

Export as usual in Content Manager and import into TMR2017.

The issues you may have will be related to content. If the route made use of older built-ins, you might be in luck and download them from the DLS. If the stuff is not on the DLS, you can export the assets from TS12, however, you will need to run them through PEV's Images2TGA to fix them.

Outside of that, the rough should work.
ricomon35, JCitron, Ihaveakramp and hminky,

Thanks to you for the help. I will try the things your suggesting. I have loaded it into TMR2017 already but there are no sessions that appear in the simulator. I can go in and Edit the route but nothing about the sessions. Any idea of where I would look in the content of where the sessions would be?

Thanks for help!

Bruce Marshall