Baseboard Rotation


New member
Hey guys,
When you use the 'select are' tool there is the option of rotating the direction of what you are selecting and then pasting. Is there not a way of doing this when you merge a route with another. When i have tried doing this manually, usually selecting the whole area of two consecutive baseboards, when it pastes it only pastes half of the objects. Buildings dont seem to want to follow this rule. Can it be done? If not, is there a way of fixing this?
Thanks, Simon :)
That copy-paste not working must be a TS2010 bug. In TS12 buildings will paste.

You can not rotate complete routes when merging. Not in TS2010 nor later versions.
I have done 1 baseboard at a time and have rotated everything on the board. The thing to be careful of is splines as these can cause problems where they cross boards. Two baseboards I think is a bit large to get the correct placement on you new area. You need to see all the outline of the selected area when you paste it back or else some things fall of the edge of the board. Also check that you have not clicked the paste objects button off.
Well again, this Forum is great for learning something new,

I have done a lot of Cut, Copy and Paste moves, but never knew you could execute a rotation on the Paste part of the process. And I have downloaded some routes that had things hanging out in space past the Base Board limits, and always wondered how the heck that happened?

Thank you for good info.